4 thoughts on “Czarna Madonna

  1. Deacon,

    One of the very first things I began to like about the PNCC was the music. The hymns used had a sound I was not familiar with, I figured it was the Polishness of the music that gave it such a unique melody. I went to one PNCC parish that is using a RC hymnal, and well, it just was not the same beautiful liturgy with the typical dry hymns that I remeber singing as a child. Does your parish use a RC hymnal? What is your experiences with music throughout the PNCC?

  2. I love the The PNCC repertoire the best. The beautiful Polish hymns, whether in the original or in translation are well done. The chants and settings for the propers and ordinary are gregorian based and appropriate. They have the same affect as a properly done Holy Mass in the R.C. Church.

    Good music sets a proper atmosphere for prayer and contemplation. Poorly done music liturgical music (which may be just fine for personal listening and personal reflection) creates the effect of being anywhere but church.

    The current pabulum of Hagen-Haas and other such tunes are not fitting for the liturgy.

    In our parish we use a mix of ‘OCP’ music and proper PNCC music. I’d prefer getting rid of the OCP stuff. Perhaps when the new PNCC hymnal is complete…

    Generally, the PNCC hymnography is referred to as the National United Choirs versions.

  3. Another note, the hymn above is rather new and very popular in Poland and Polonia. Many R.C. parishes in Poland are using Taizé type hymns along with very traditional hymns. The closer you are to Christmas and Easter the more traditional.

  4. One of the things (among many) that I like about the PNCC is the music. I was really surprised how well many songs were translated from Polish. Hearing many familiar melodies brings back a lot of memories from the past. At the same time the the songs are so well translated that anyone not familiar with the origins of the songs will not even think that originally they were written in Polish, meaning you don’t have to speak/understand Polish to understand the true meaning of them. This is good since more and more the faithful of PNCC are not of Polish origin.

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