Christian Witness, PNCC, Poland - Polish - Polonia,

All Saints Day, All Souls Day in Polania

Robert Strybel provides an excellent overview of the commemoration of these Holy Days among Polonia in the United States. His article, All Saints/All Souls Day in Polonia appears at the PolishNews site. Along with the overview he provides suggestions for re-energizing these commemorations, and reconnecting our youth with the legacy of our saints, our forefathers who met the struggle and gained the ultimate victory.

I also want to thank Mr. Strybel for the nice shout-out to PNCC parishes:

All Saints Day is the patronal feast parishes named Parafia pod wezwaniem Wszystkich Świętych (All Saints Parish) — an appellation often encountered among parishes of the Polish National Catholic Church, including Chicagoland’s All Saints PNC Cathedral.

I recall a posting I saw, long before I was a PNCC member. It was a young person lamenting the loss of tradition on All Souls Day, Dzień Zaduszny. He noted that he was heartened to find, in his search of cemeteries on that day, members of the PNCC at a PNCC cemetery, doing the five stations, the blessing of graves, the wypominki (reading the role of the deceased) and ending with the singing of Witaj Królowa Nieba.
