Day: March 13, 2006

Saints and Martyrs

March 14 – St. Matilda (Św. Matylda)

Św. Matyldo, któraś ubóstwo i prześladowanie ochotnie znosiła poddając się pokornie woli bożej, a nieprzyjaciołom z serca przebaczała, uproś nam u Boga tę łaskę, abyśmy przykrości wszelakie cierpliwie znosili i nie żywili w sercu urazy dla przeciwników. Przez Chrystusa Pana naszego. Amen.

Everything Else, ,

I will be away

A very dear aunt passed away late last week. The wake and funeral will be Tuesday and Wednesday. I will not be blogging for the next two days, although I will try to get the saints of the day posted before I leave.

Please remember her and her children, family, and friends in your prayers.

The pastor of the R.C. church where the funeral mass is being held is allowing me to sit in choir for the funeral. I appreciate his generosity and kindness.

Generally pastors do this sort of thing, and based on other recent experience, would like PNCC clergy to participate more fully. It presents an uncomfortable situation in that we have to explain why we cannot. Usually something like —Due to our unfortunate divisions etc. etc…—

Current Events

Americans are fed up with Roe vs. Wade’s impact

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Actually, Americans are fed up with Roe vs. Wade’s impact
By Barbara L. Lyons

Are Americans fed up with Roe vs. Wade? Recent actions in South Dakota and other state legislative bodies to prohibit abortion indicate they are.

For well over 100 years, states had the ability to decide when or if abortions were legal. But in 1973, in an act of raw judicial power, seven of nine U.S. Supreme Court justices shattered the abortion laws of all 50 states and forced their own regime on the nation.

Abortion is legal in every state for any reason essentially for the full nine months of pregnancy.

That’s right. While the public has been lead to believe for over 30 years that abortion is legal only in the first three months of pregnancy, abortions can be performed even as a method of birth control essentially up until the moment of birth. The people, through their elected state legislative bodies, have been shackled in their desire to protect unborn children from a cruel abortion death.

Why are Americans fed up with Roe? Because it has gone too far for too long.

Abortion proponents claim that reversal of Roe will send abortion to the back alleys. I maintain that we already exist in a heinous back alley, where 47 million unborn children have lost their lives to abortion under Roe.

Everyone loves a hero, and here are mine:

  • The pregnant woman who resists pressure to take the supposedly “easy” solution of abortion by digging deep inside herself and deciding to give life to her precious baby.
  • The woman who learns she is pregnant and has breast cancer on the same day and chooses treatment that preserves her baby’s life.
  • The man who forsakes career opportunities to stand by the child he has fathered.
  • The parents who fight disappointment to support a pregnant daughter.
  • The family that welcomes a child with a disability with open arms.

To love and nurture a child is heroism at its best. It gives validity to the American dream that everyone deserves a chance – the America where our most fundamental right is the right to life.

Read the stuff in the middle. The article is powerful stuff —“ and very true.

Saints and Martyrs

March 13 – St. Boniface (Św. Bonifacy)

O Boże, któryś św. Bonifacego z drogi światowych uciech sprowadził na drogę żywota świątobliwego na który męczeńskiej dosłużył się korony, użycz nam swej łaski, abyśmy chodzili drogą Twoich przykazań, i osiągnęli ten stopień doskonałości, jakiego wymagasz od nas. Przez Chrystusa Pana naszego. Amen.