Day: August 17, 2006

Current Events, Political


The Most Reverend Thomas G. Doran, R.C. Bishop of Rockford Illinois publishes a column in his diocesan newspaper. Last week (August 10, 2006) Bishop Doran’s column was entitled: Reaping the whirlwind of abortion. Portions of the first three paragraphs read as follows:

As human beings, as citizens of a —first world country,— as Americans, and as Catholics, most importantly, we have to take count of the circumstances in which we live. We know that the only creatures of God that outlast time are those created having intellect and will. All other things, with the passage of time, break up or break down…


The seven ‘sacraments’ of their secular culture are abortion, buggery, contraception, divorce, euthanasia, feminism of the radical type, and genetic experimentation and mutilation…

Strong statements —“ I agree, especially coming from a R.C. Bishop in the United States. Also, with some exposition of the issues and catechesis on the Church’s position, effectively affirming R.C. teaching, and calling for compliance among Roman Catholics, it wouldn’t be a bad column. As a PNCC clergyman I would agree with 6/7ths of his statement.

Unfortunately, the Bishop decided to go ballistic, and not just a little.

The bookends to these statements are as follows:

I want to touch on this matter before we get too close to the November madness.

Many of the issues that confront us are serious, and we know by now that the political parties in our country are at loggerheads as to how to solve them. We know, for instance, that adherents of one political party would place us squarely on the road to suicide as a people.


These things they unabashedly espouse, profess and promote. Their continuance in public office is a clear and present danger to our survival as a nation.

He goes on to draw comparisons between the ‘evil political party’ AKA the Democrats and Nazi Germans. Then he concludes by calling for their extinction as follows:

It is the duty of every Catholic to support the work of the parish Pro-Life directors and commissions and to work for the extirpation from our society of all those who in any way foster or promote these things. I wholeheartedly endorse the activities of our Pro-Life Office in the sure and certain knowledge that divine justice will not allow those who act against human life to prosper.

Let me paraphrase:

It is every Catholic’s (thankfully he only speaks for R.C.’s) duty to work for the extinction from our society of all those (i.e., people —“ not just their ideas or philosophies —“ but the people themselves) who in any way foster or promote these things.

I’ve heard of defending life and the faith, but using a just cause to shill for one political party while thoroughly demonizing the other is unconscionable. Going even further than that is an abject dereliction of his Christian duty.

I imagine the Bishop is well educated, an S.T.L. and Doctorate in Canon Law —“ both from Rome. I just cannot understand why a Christian, a Prelate, and a leader would turn the message of faith and salvation into a message calling for destruction. Hate the sin, love the sinner has somehow been confused and twisted in Rockford.

…and, when someone, who has lost touch with reality, goes out to enact his command to make Democrats extinct, there will be lots of hand wringing at the Chancery.

Lee Penn over at the Conservative Blog for Peace did an excellent analysis of the whole piece in The seven unholy sacraments. Check it out.

…and just to add a bit, this from Fr John Fenton of Conversi ad Dominum: Mercy — Even for Those Who Insult You.

Current Events, Media, Perspective

Miscellaneous Stuff

There are a few things I’ve been meaning to comment on:

The Lord Madonna

Madonna has been using Christian symbolism from her beginning as a peppy, sex charged, pop star. Her name, the use of statues, anything Christian, etc., etc. is almost a constant component of her act.

Fr Joseph Huneycutt points this out in a post from about a week or so ago entitled: MADONNA: Sounds of Sanity.

I imagine that there are many explanations for this: she’s confused, she’s mentally unstable, she likes cheap PR tricks, it’s the only way she can keep her career alive (note that she rarely tours in the U.S. and can’t get a U.S. TV gig anymore), or she thinks she is a god…

Whatever the reason, I don’t bear her any ill will. She is simply a person who is so self-involved that she fails to see her own human value. She cannot see herself as God sees her.

Let us pray that she be given the grace to move from self-involvement to reality.


President Bush made a comment the other day in regard to terrorist plot to blow-up airliners in midair. He referred to the participants in this plot as Islamo-Fascists.

Now, I expect my president to be angered over plots to kill my fellow citizens (and any human being for that matter – yeah, I know). I expect him to express his outrage. I also expect him to use considered words – words that make some sense.

Calling the plotters Islamo-Fascists is one of the dumbest statements I’ve ever heard. Have you ever just starred at the TV incredulous over what you’ve just seen and heard? Well that was me.

Mr. President, if your grasp on political and historical movements is so weak as to mix metaphors on live television in the heat of anger (and I don’t believe for a minute that his indignation was anything other than contrived —“ he knew about this stuff for days or at least hours in advance of his words), then use a speech writer.

Fr. Jim Tucker has commented on this in his post: Commies, Fascists, and Other People We Don’t Like. It looks like he got a lot of flack and he followed up with: Sobran on Islamo-fascism.

In Mr. Sobran’s article he states:

In other words, Islamofascism is nothing but an empty propaganda term. And wartime propaganda is usually, if not always, crafted to produce hysteria, the destruction of any sense of proportion. Such words, undefined and unmeasured, are used by people more interested in making us lose our heads than in keeping their own.



Home Depot – get it, got it, done

We received a call from a trucking firm on Monday advising us that our patio furniture would be delivered Wednesday. Yesterday afternoon at about 4:30 the driver called to advise me that our stuff was at the house. It was indeed there when I returned from Holy Mass last night.

I took a look at the shipping manifest. The shipment was prepared on July 31st, the Monday after I placed my order. It’s been traveling the country for sixteen (16) days.

All-in-all this whole process would have gone better if Home Depot’s staff were better trained, if their customer service knew how to communicate with a concerned customer, and if they had been honest in the first place, stating that delivery can take up to three weeks…

I appreciate the fact that customer service is difficult. I appreciate the fact that service itself is difficult (hey – I’m a deacon). Getting answers like ‘I’m stressed, busy, I haven’t been trained, I don’t know, etc.’ is not helpful.

What happened to the classic notion of getting satisfaction from having helped someone and knowing that you have done your job well? That would pre-suppose a connection with classic values born out of Christianity. It would mean that people understood that there is more to life than the paycheck and the bottom line.

Christian Witness, Current Events

How dare you say peace…

Check out the posting from Eunomia: War Is the Worst Solution. The writer is commenting on the Pope’s calls for peace and certain ‘Christians’ who are calling for his head, as noted in First Things.

It’s sad really when Christians can’t see history clearly (as the Young Fogey points out), can’t see their faith clearly, and can’t separate faith from a political agenda.

Faith and loyalty to God are so far beyond politics. As governments and politics change (you can check out all the examples throughout history), today’s Christo-politicos will become tomorrows dinner for lions.

All we have is our faith —“ let’s get with the program.

Saints and Martyrs

August 17 – St. Roch (Św. Roch)

Boże, który nas doroczną uroczystością błogosławionego Rocha uweselasz, spraw to łaskawie, abyśmy pokorę i cierpliwość jego naśladując, za jego przyczyną od zaraźliwych chorób duszy i ciała uwolnieni byli. Przez Chrystusa Pana naszego. Amen.