Everything Else

Readers and their browsers

I use Google Analytics to get insight into what my readers like to read. Also, having a background and degree in Accounting (kind of fitting with being a deacon —“ the managers of charitable donations in the early Church), and a love for analysis, makes me one of those people who likes to look at numbers and trends.

I was looking at the Content Optimization stats for my blog. Under Browser Versions I noticed that 60% of my readers use Firefox (hurray) and 3.2% of those people are using one or another of the Firefox 2.0 browser release candidates.

The next highest group of users (37.35%) use Internet Explorer, and of those, only a little over 1% are using the IE 7.0 Release Candidate.

Knowing what your readers use is good in that it helps you with laying out your site, especially if it’s not a blog site.

As to blogging, WordPress is pretty indestructible across browsers, but there are fluky differences like the way bullet points are laid out or the way the WordPress Dashboard’s layout looks.

I rarely use IE anymore. I’ve just gotten away from using stuff that appears (at least to me) to be bloated and demanding. That’s why I like Firfox. It lets me take control of how I browse. I’m looking forward to Firefox 2.0.

If you blog, do you know what your readers use? Do you think blog readers are early adopters or testers of the latest and greatest? Do you still use IE?