Month: October 2006

Current Events, Political

Idiots on parade

Sheik Al Hilaly comparing rape victims to abandoned meat:

“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it … whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat

“The uncovered meat is the problem. If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred.”

“She is the one who takes her clothes off, cuts them short, acts flirtatious, puts on makeup, shows off, and goes on the streets acting silly. She is the one wearing a short dress, lifting it up, lowering it down, then a look, then a smile, then a word, then a greeting, then a word, then a date, then a meeting, then a crime, then Long Bay Jail, then comes a merciless judge who gives you 65 years,”

The idiot sheik spoke at the end of Ramadan and lamented the fact that Muslim men who perpetrated a series of vicious gang rapes against white women in Sydney, Australia were sent to prison. It’s the women’s fault you see.

NY State Controller Alan Hevesi during a debate with his opponent J. Christopher Callaghan:

“I have no reason to resign…”

“I make no apology for it…”

“That’s my family — and they come first…”

The idiot controller stated this when pressed about resigning based on a State Ethics Commission report noting that he used public employees for private errands, that he had no intention of repaying the State for that work, and that he had no basis for using public employees in that manner.

…and speaking of his family coming first, he was quick to detail his wife’s illnesses and maladies, including her attempts at suicide. She now rests in a nursing home, allegedly unable to communicate.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to critics of the ‘war in Iraq’

—Just back off—


“You’re looking for some sort of a guillotine to come falling down if some date isn’t met. That is not what this is about.”

Hey, idiot Defense Secretary, how about the U.S. back off and bring the troops home? How about telling the tens of thousands of maimed soldiers and the families of the dead, and the killed and maimed in Iraq to ‘relax’?

By the way, the date should have been met a couple years back —“ now what did that sign on the aircraft carrier say? The only effective guillotine left is impeachment.

…and what is it all about anyway?

  • WMD —“ Nope, none there;
  • Saddam —“ lunatic leader, but it is not like we don’t have one right in our back yard;
  • Terrorist tie-in —“ hmmm, none there, but we’ve created plenty;
  • Oil riches —“ nope, the Iraqi facilities are rusting into garbage heaps. They won’t be able to squeeze a barrel of oil out in a year or so.
  • Domestic safety —“ nah. But hey, why not bring the troops home to protect us and our borders;
  • Global domination —“ hehehe… like people with one track minds could understand the intricacies of the world. They couldn’t even put the right number of troops on the ground.

If anybody knows, hey, clue us in.

Current Events, Media,


Truth is often stunning

From Huw Raphael: Sacrifice Your Babies… To save Former Canadian actors…

M.J. Fox shills to kill more babies so he can live. How nice.

You knew these shoes would drop

From the Sarasota Herald Tribune: Priest Foley accused is named again

Last week, the Rev. Anthony Mercieca said the only boy he ever had an inappropriate relationship with was Mark Foley, when the former congressman was an altar boy in Lake Worth in the mid-1960s.

On Wednesday, a second man came forward and accused the 72-year-old retired Catholic priest of molesting him while he was an altar boy at St. James Parish in Miami in the late 1970s…


From USA Today: 2nd Florida priest charged with mishandling church money

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. (AP) —” The second of two Florida priests charged with spending church money on gambling trips, rare coins and a girlfriend has surrendered to authorities, his attorney said Monday.

The Rev. Francis B. Guinan, 63, returned to the United States on Sunday from a trip to Australia and was taken into custody in Miami, said his attorney, David Roth. He was to be released late Monday on $50,000 bond, Roth said.

Last month, authorities issued arrest warrants for the Rev. John A. Skehan, longtime pastor at St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church, and Guinan, his successor. Police say the two misused $400,000 in church funds. However, an audit conducted by the Diocese of Palm Beach alleges the pair misappropriated $8.7 million…

For whom shall I root?

I always seemed to have a Mets hat growing up. Never the Yankees —“ just the Mets. I often wondered why —“ but never really found out why.

During the NL Finals I wondered whether I should root for the Mets or the Cards.

You see, St. Louis is the team of the all time great Stan —The Man— Musial. St. Louis was home to the teams (both the Browns and the Cards) that appear to have signed the greatest number of Polish and Polish-American ballplayers (see my baseball page).

Thus the dilemma, root for the team someone in my family liked or the team of Stan the Man and my fellow travelers?

I decided to go with my ethnic leanings. The same applies to the Series – Go Cards!! (sorry Hamtramck)

In the same vein, who to cheer for in Dancing with the Stars? I’ve always liked Joey Lawrence’s partner Edyta Sliwinska. A beautiful, classic Polish woman, she seems to have gotten stuck with rather poor partners in past shows. Now she has a chance. I really like Mario Lopez and Emmitt Smith as well. They are all deserving of a win. The next few weeks will be tough.

All I have to say is thank goodness Sara Evans is gone. She danced like a mummy driving a Mack truck. She should have never lasted longer than Willa Ford.

Ecumenical Rosary

Our pastor and I were invited to participate in a recitation of a Rosary for Peace last night. The Rosary was held at St. Francis de Sales R.C. Church in Loudonville, NY.

It was a great service. The Rosary was recited in various languages. We were asked to do a decade in Polish. The first half of each prayer was said in the participant’s native language with the second part said in English. They covered Polish, German, Italian, various languages and dialects from the Philippines, and Korean. The Holy Eucharist was exposed and they held benediction at the end.

I found that my ability to sing in Latin has not been diminished.

The Church is extremely modern but they’ve added some nice touches here and there. The statuary was well done, there were various icons throughout the building, and they recently installed stained glass windows.

A great evening —“ and a great way to connect with our R.C. friends at St. Francis.

Saints and Martyrs

October 26 – St. Hilarion (Św. Hilarjon)

Boże który w błg. Hilarjonie dałeś nam przykład umartwienia i wyrzeczenia się świata, spraw, abyśmy go naśladując, nie skłaniali serc naszych do bogactw i zaszczytów tego świata, ale drogą cnoty i umartwienia do szczęścia wiecznego dążyli. Przez Jezusa Chrystusa Pana naszego. Amen.

Current Events, Political

NY State Controller Hevesi – out of the frying pan…

For those who follow my blog, you will know that I have been commenting on NY State Controller Alan Hevesi and his repeated use of a State employee as a personal servant. The NY State Ethics Commission has now cited him for illegal activities and has referred the matter to the Legislature. He may be impeached.

It appears that the panel raised many of the issues I previously raised, including the fact that the State employee he used was his aide when he was NY City Controller. The employee provided the same services for him when they both worked for the city.

It appears that the aide, Mr. Nicholas Acquafredda, and yet another unnamed State employee both provided personal services to Mr. Hevesi on State time. In addition, the investigation alleges that Mr. Acquafredda had someone else entering his time records, and couldn’t perform the job he was supposed to be doing, because he was too busy being an errand boy.

Here’s a snippet from the NY Times article: Ethics Panel Says N.Y. Comptroller’s Use of Drivers Broke the Law

ALBANY, Oct. 23 —” The State Ethics Commission accused Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi on Monday of breaking the law by using state employees to chauffeur his wife, and sharply disputed his contention that his wife needed a driver for security reasons.

The accusation against Mr. Hevesi, the state’s chief fiscal watchdog, marks the first time that the commission has ever charged a statewide official with wrongdoing, officials said. The commission’s referral of the case to the Legislature left lawmakers scrambling to figure out how to discipline the guardian of the state’s finances.

The Legislature has a range of options, from doing nothing to fining Mr. Hevesi to removing him from office, possibly by impeachment, an action that has not been taken in decades. But the law for what comes next is murky, so the official accusation had officials in the Legislature and the governor’s office rummaging through their law books to figure out what to do.

The commission’s 26-page report sent shock waves through state politics and dealt a serious blow to Mr. Hevesi, a Democrat who is running for re-election in two weeks…

Mr. Hevesi should resign.

Christian Witness, Perspective

Righteous suffering

Peter of The Age to Come comments on the Prayer of Jabez and on our false notions of who and what God is. In pointing to this post the Young Fogey states, —God is not a vending machine.— Exactly right, God is not a slot machine dispensing happiness because we deserve it or ask for it.

I’ve reflected on this line of thinking from the perspective of the disaffected person seeking Christ, the person disaffected by our definition of them.

You know who ‘they’ are, the homosexual, the liberal, the conservative, the widow, the orphan, the aged, the poor, the Arab, the ‘free choice’ supporter, the person seeking cures through embryonic stem cell research.

It is our obligation as Christians to witness to these people, to acknowledge their pain and suffering, to lighten their load by our humanity and support, and in the end to show them that the world’s concept of an entitlement to happiness is a straw man.

We need to get away from hellfire condemnation (you have no right to suffer because your suffering is pure selfishness) and move to truthful charity.

This is not calling an evil good – we cannot veer from, or change God’s message. It is rather an act of catechetical guidance, helping them along the path to regeneration and from there on the road to Theosis. We need to assist them, and the world, in understanding that suffering is an on-going act of righteousness. Righteous suffering being suffering with purpose, and that purpose having true affect.

Current Events, Political

Advocate of ethnic cleansing moves in

The AP reports: Olmert Brings Hard-Liner Into Government

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday brought into his government a hard-liner who wants to rid Israel of Arabs – a move that would shore up his shaky coalition but could hinder efforts to renew peace talks with the Palestinians.

Avigdor Lieberman, who leads the Yisrael Beiteinu party, said he hoped the deal to join Olmert’s governing coalition would be signed by Tuesday.

Yisrael Beiteinu, or “Israel Our Home,” brings 11 lawmakers into the coalition, giving Olmert control of 78 of 120 seats in the Knesset, or parliament…

Lieberman, 48, has a long record of hawkish positions toward the Palestinians…

He has also taken a tough line toward Israel’s own Arab minority.

He advocates trading Israeli Arab towns for West Bank settlements – in effect stripping Israeli Arabs of citizenship – and recently called for the execution of Israeli Arab lawmakers who met with leaders of Hamas, the ruling Palestinian group sworn to Israel’s destruction. Such positions have drawn accusations of racism.

But with his coalition weakened by infighting and harsh criticism of his handling of the Lebanon war, Olmert had little choice…

I know, I know, what are a few Arabs (including many Christian Arabs) and a little racism in comparison to holding on to power? These folks are expert in turning politics into an immoral exercise.

Many of history’s most notorious mass murderers also said that they had little choice.

Christian Witness

God in our humanness

From a beautiful reflection on our humanness from Huw Raphael: The Icon of God

In his homily Father Victor wondered how many of us could look at another human and see the icon, no matter how damaged.

…and upon expansion reveals why Thou shall not kill (murder, war, abortion, the death penalty, killing oneself through smoking, drugs, etc.) is a grave affront to God.