Current Events, Perspective, PNCC


In the Lithuanian language ‘liŁ«dnas’ means sad. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany closed a parish founded by Lithuanians in 1923. Their last Mass was held on December 31st. The Albany Times-Union covered the story in Tears, memories, a final homily

The following stuck me:

“It’s very sad, but you could see it coming,” said Bill Zebuda, 64, a trustee and lifelong parishioner.

Much as worshipers like Zebuda mourned their loss, the brick church welcomed them on Sunday with a festive atmosphere.

Christmas trees and red poinsettias surrounded the altar. A wreath hung from the choir loft. Sunlight brightened the blue-and-yellow stained glass windows.

A Lithuanian flag stood beside the nativity scene. Dorothy Richmire even showed up in traditional Lithuanian dress: a long skirt, white apron, embroidered blouse and amber jewelry.

“You can’t help but feel angry because they’ve taken something away from us,” said Richmire, 80, whose father helped found Holy Cross. “But there’s nothing we can do about it.”

Mr. Zebuda’s statement recalls liŁ«dnas while Ms. Richmire’s statement calls to mind another Lithuanian word: ‘graudus’ meaning pathetically sad.

There is of course the Lithuanian National Catholic Church in which Ms. Richmire’s statement would not be possible. That is because as part of the PNCC, the LNCC is democratic and the parishioners make all decisions regarding their property and possessions, including decisions as to whether or not their parish should stay open.

4 thoughts on “LiŁ«dnas

  1. Does anyone keep statistics about how many RC churches have been closed in the United States in the past 20 years or so? I many areas that do not have a fresh supply of Catholics (immigrants) there seems to be a big number of them closed. How does that compare with number of PNCC parishes that have been closed/merged?

  2. You should send letters to all the former parishioners of that parish inviting them to BVMC. I bet quite a few would come.

    God Bless and Happy New Year.

  3. it is sad. here we see Rome closing another parish, when the PNCC would be more than able to take these people in or open the doors to a new parish. Sadly, Rome has probably scared them into submission.

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