Everything Else,

To tell the truth

No, I am Matt Mullenweg.

I took the Technosailor self importance test and the following was the result:

You are most like Matt Mullenweg!

You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.

For those who don’t know, Matt Mullenweg is the founding developer of WordPress. Cool…

Also, I loved To Tell the Truth. Watched it with the family every evening.

An interesting aside, Kitty Carlisle Hart, who featured prominently on To Tell the Truth was a great patron of the arts right here in Albany and served on the New York State Council of the Arts. The Kitty Carlisle Hart Theatre at the Egg is named after her (a very nice venue).