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10:58pm |
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New blog post: March 31 – Pointless your mourning by Adam Asnyk http://tinyurl.com/cegnbz
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10:59pm |
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Deacon Jim New blog post: March 31 – Pointless your mourning by Adam Asnyk http://tinyurl.com/cegnbz.
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12:01am |
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Deacon Jim New blog post: April 1 – On the 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Bishop Fr. Hodur by Francsziek Chmiel http://tinyurl.com/d5xy86.
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12:01am |
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New blog post: April 1 – On the 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Bishop Fr. Hodur by Francsziek Chmiel http://tinyurl.com/d5xy86
Pointless your mourning and your toil
Helpless your curses dire
Past forms no miracle can bring
Back from funereal pyre.The world will not release its grip
On fleeting ghosts of yore
Fire or sword will not bring back
What’s lost forevermore.One must go forward with the living
Reach for new life, instead
Of placing a bunch of wasted laurels
Stubbornly on one’s head.You shall not turn the tide of life!
Your anger keep at bay
Pointless your mourning and your toil
The world shall go its way.
Translated by Jan Rybicki
Daremne żale, próżny trud,
Bezsilne złorzeczenia!
Przeżytych kształtów żaden cud
Nie wróci do istnienia.Świat wam nie odda, idąc wstecz,
Zniknionych mar szeregu;
Nie zdoła ogień ani miecz
Powstrzymać myśli w biegu.Trzeba z żywymi naprzód iść,
Po życie sięgać nowe,
A nie w uwiędłych laurów liść
Z uporem stroić głowę.Wy nie cofniecie życia fal,
Nic skargi nie pomogą!
Bezsilne gniewy, próżny żal!
Świat pójdzie swoją drogą.
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1:58pm | Scrobbled 5 songs on Last.fm. (Show Details) |
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9:09pm |
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New blog post: Daily Digest for 2009-03-28 http://tinyurl.com/dfplso
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9:09pm |
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New blog post: Daily Digest for 2009-03-29 http://tinyurl.com/culgrk
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10:45pm |
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New blog post: March 30 – Song II from Book I by Jan Kochanowski http://tinyurl.com/cx55rd
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11:42pm |
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New blog post: 10 reasons I’m a National Catholic — Reason 1: We’re right http://tinyurl.com/dlxgzq
The Holy Polish National Catholic Church is right in its faith, practice, and structure. The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit (John 20:22, Acts 1:5), teaches the truth about God, about Jesus Christ, about salvation, and about the means and methods by which mankind is to organize in an effort to reach eternal life. Beyond teacher, it is the visible society of all believers who join in common cause to acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; the community of all who endeavor to live as Jesus taught.
One can “believe” in a lot of things. You can “believe” that water is made from hydrogen and oxygen, that the sun will rise tomorrow, that your car will start in the morning, and that the school bus will arrive relatively timely. Each of those “beliefs” can be supported by evidence.
To be Catholic requires that you believe, not from evidence alone, but from faith, that the Church is the true community of believers formed by and established by Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18). You must believe that the Church holds and teaches the truth given to it by Jesus Christ (John 16:12-13). You must believe that the Church guides you in the way of truth; that through its liturgy, prayer, teaching, and structure you become the person God intended you to be. You can call this position a belief in the infallibility of the Church — that the Church is truly right in what she teaches, in how she lives.
If I did not believe that the Polish National Catholic Church is right in all it prays and teaches then I am simply wasting my time. I could just as easily have joined a social club for companionship or for other good purposes. I know myself, I know my conscience, and I know my faith. I know that I am not wasting my time and that the Church is more than a club. The Church is the true guide to all that is good, to heaven, to all that Christ promised through the Church.
My declaration of faith is faith by regeneration. Through the Holy Spirit’s action I came to faith, and through that faith I have come to believe that all the Polish National Catholic Church prays and teaches is right, is in full accord with the teachings of Jesus, as well as the faith handed down through the Apostles.
Therefore, I believe that the Polish National Catholic Church is the true Church. It is the Divinely instituted society that teaches me, guides me, and trains me in all that is true and right — true and right by God’s standards! Through the Church’s way of life I will gain heaven because Jesus Christ gave the Church the graces necessary to carry out that mission.
As G. K. Chesterton wrote in The Catholic Church and Conversion:
But it is one thing to conclude that Catholicism is good and another to conclude that it is right. It is one thing to conclude that it is right and another to conclude that it is always right.
I am a National Catholic because by my faith journey, by my experience, by faith, and by regeneration I have come to believe that the Polish National Catholic Church is more than good, it is more than right, it is always right in what it teaches. It offers me, and all people, the fullness of sanctification and truth, the path to heaven.
The heart swells, when we look at this season:
Not long ago the forests were barren,
Snow was piled higher than a foot outside,
And on the river heavy carts could ride.Now a trim of leaves graces every tree,
The wild meadows blossomed beautifully;
The ice has gone and over clear waters
Sail along the ships and the carved cutters.Now the entire world is truly laughing:
The grain is up, the west wind is blowing,
The birds again are fitting out their nests
And burst into song before the dawn crests.But the root of a truly happy sense
Is when a man enjoys a clear conscience
And in his heart suffers no blemished spots;
Why should he feel ashamed of his own thoughts?No need to pour him wine and drink along,
Nor play the lute, nor lift the voice in song;
With water alone he will be happy,
As he truly feels free from all worry.But the one who’s gnawed by a hidden moth,
Will not delight in the rich dinner broth,
No song, nor even a voice will move him,
Everything goes past his ears with the wind.Good cheer, which no one can ever enthrall,
Even by putting rich silks on the wall,
Do not look down upon my twigged arbor,
And stay with me, if I’m drunk or sober.
Translated by Michal J. Mikos
Serce roście patrząc na te czasy!
Mało przed tym gołe były lasy,
Śnieg na ziemi wysszej łokcia leżał,
A po rzekach wóz nacięższy zbieżał.Teraz drzewa liście na się wzięły,
Polne łąki pięknie zakwitnęły;
Lody zeszły, a po czystej wodzie
Idą statki i ciosane łodzie.Teraz prawie świat się wszystek śmieje,
Zboża wstały, wiatr zachodny wieje;
Ptacy sobie gniazda omyślają,
A przede dniem śpiewać poczynają.Ale to grunt wesela prawego,
Kiedy człowiek sumnienia całego
Ani czuje w sercu żadnej wady,
Przeczby się miał wstydać swojej rady.Temu wina nie trzeba przylewać
Ani grać na lutni, ani śpiewać;
Będzie wesół, byś chciał, i o wodzie,
Bo się czuje prawie na swobodzie.Ale kogo gryzie mól zakryty,
Nie idzie mu w smak obiad obfity;
Żadna go pieśń, żadny głos nie ruszy,
Wszystko idzie na wiatr mimo uszy.Dobra myśli, której nie przywabi,
Choć kto ściany drogo ujedwabi,
Nie gardź moim chłodnikiem chruścianym;
A bądź ze mną, z trzeźwym i z pijanym!
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11:33pm |
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New blog post: Passion Sunday – B http://tinyurl.com/d7l2jx
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Deacon Jim New blog post: Passion Sunday – B http://tinyurl.com/d7l2jx.
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11:36pm |
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New blog post: March 29 – By the Mark by Gillian Welch http://tinyurl.com/dn8uwk
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11:36pm |
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Deacon Jim New blog post: March 29 – By the Mark by Gillian Welch http://tinyurl.com/dn8uwk.
When I cross over
I will shout and sing
I will know my savior
By the mark where the nails have beenBy the mark where the nails have been
By the sign upon his precious skin
I will know my savior when I come to him
By the mark where the nails have beenA man of riches
May claim a crown of jewels
But the king of heaven
Can be told from the prince of foolsOn Calvary Mountain
Where they made him suffer so
All my sin was paid for
A long, long time ago
First reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm: Ps 51:3-4,12-15
Epistle: Hebrews 5:7-9
Gospel: John 12:20-33
“Sir, we would like to see Jesus.”
The perfect line for Passion Sunday. As we enter the Passiontide we begin the walk with Jesus that leads to His crucifixion, that leads to His being lifted up from the earth for all to see. We will see Jesus — clearly and in plain view and we will know the truth.
Stuff is happening fast.
The daily readings for the next week-and-a-half show Jesus in and around Jerusalem. Things are happening and they are happening fast.
On Monday the woman caught in adultery is brought to Him, the Pharisees and scribes seeking to use her to trap Jesus. On Tuesday He will tell the Pharisees that He is I Am — that He is God. On Wednesday and Thursday He indicates that the people would truly love Him if they loved God as they claimed. He once again notes that He is I Am — that He is God. Thursday leaves Jesus in the temple with the Jews as they are picking up stones, preparing to stone Him. On Friday Jesus uses their words, their very stones, to indict them of unbelief. He clearly says that He is God’s Son. On Saturday the plot is hatched. The Jewish leaders were very angry. The raising of Lazarus threatened their position and their positions. Jesus is left in Ephraim near the desert. The chief priest and Pharisees have given orders. Jesus was to be apprehended. All the while they plotted how to kill Him. Next Sunday Jesus will enter Jerusalem in triumph to the shouts of Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. The following Monday He will go to a banquet in Bethany. Lazarus will be there, and Mary will bring costly perfume. She will anoint His feet and dry them with her hair. By Wednesday the plotting is complete. Judas goes to the chief priest and the Pharisees to exchange Jesus for silver.
Jesus is in plan view.
All this happens with Jesus in plain view. Jesus knew where the path, through the Passiontide, would lead. Its inexorable conclusion was the cross. Jesus did not hide from it. He didn’t avoid the temple, the scribes, the Pharisees. He knew that His standing forth would fulfill what He had said:
—And when I am lifted up from the earth,
I will draw everyone to myself.”—¨
The last challenges are made.
Did you ever notice how we like to avoid confrontation. I know that there are political junkies out there who will vociferously debate anyone, but for the most part we walk away from hot-button, controversial issue. Our mantra is: ‘You have your position, I have mine. God bless you, God bless me.’
Jesus wasn’t having any of that – because He is I Am — He is God. As God He represents absolute truth. Jesus doesn’t, and in fact couldn’t walk away from confrontations, from telling the Jewish leaders that they were not sons of Abraham, that they were wrong, that they didn’t know or love God. He knew the truth. Regardless of the challenges He had to represent truth — and in that He spoke a truth that challenged their hearts. Jesus had to tell it like it is, even if it meant the cross.
We are challenged – to face Jesus on the cross
Jesus challenges us. During the Passiontide we are challenged to face Jesus on the cross — to face the truth of Jesus on the cross. Jesus speaks a truth from the cross that challenges our hearts.
Today the Holy Cross is covered in purple. On Good Friday it will be revealed once again, in all its reality. Today we cannot see the cross, its physical representation. We have to rely on the vision of the cross that is in our hearts, that speaks the truth to us.
We cannot avoid that confrontation. In these last days Jesus speaks to us ever more clearly, about our comfortable ‘You have your position, I have mine’ way of living. We are called to face the image of the cross in us, we who died with Jesus in baptism. We are called to face the truth in our lives and to represent that truth in the world.
In facing Him our hearts are changed
In facing the cross we are changed. Its truth is simple yet incomprehensible. There is a hymn by Gillian Welch called By The Mark. In it Gillian Welch proclaims:
I will know my savior
—¨By the mark where the nails have been —¨—¨By the mark where the nails have been
By the sign upon his precious skin
—¨I will know my savior when I come to him—¨
By the mark where the nails have been
In facing Him our perspective is changed
We are changed because all perspective, all thought, all that is claimed as truth must be seen through the wounds Jesus suffered for us. The singer rightly knows that Jesus’ gloriously resurrected body maintains those marks. They won’t magically disappear because it is their cost that saves us and makes us whole. Knowing this truth opens all truth to us.
The truth is that our marks, our sins, our untruths have disappeared. Seen through the vision of the cross all the weakness in us is washed away and we are made whole, clean, and ready — ready to bear witness to the very truth represented by the cross. We are made ready to bear witness to the fact that the cross saves, that it gains heaven for those who have faith in Jesus Christ.
In facing Him we live.
In facing Jesus, in going to see Him on the cross — daily, from hour to hour, from moment to moment, we gain life. Jesus says:
—Amen, amen, I say to you,
unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
it remains just a grain of wheat;
but if it dies, it produces much fruit.—
The fruit that has come from the cross is us. We are the witnesses to, and heralds of, the truth. The fruit of the cross is a people, a body that lives in the truth, a truth that cannot be compromised or hidden. The world’s way, the way of the Pharisees is falsehood. Those positions, the current trends and the way of worldly leaders is shown to be a way without salvation, without life, a dead end.
Gillian Welch’s hymn tells us:
A man of riches
May claim a crown of jewels
But the king of heaven
Can be told from the prince of foolsBy the mark where the nails have been
With that truth we confidently point to the cross — and to the marks where the nails had been — and we can say, ‘This is the truth of God; the truth that makes us citizens of heaven.’
The Greeks came looking to see Jesus. Maybe they wanted a spectacle. Maybe they wanted a miracle so they could report it to the folks back home. ‘Oh Susanna, it was so cool, I was there and Jesus…’
My friends it was. It was more than cool, it was great! We were there and Jesus took up the cross for us. We were there when He was raised on high for us. We were there and we heard and saw the truth. We were there and we became the fruit of that has grown up from the life He gave for us. We were there so we can say. ‘I know the truth because I see the cross. I see the cross and I know that eternal life awaits me.’
“Sir, we would like to see Jesus.”
Look upon Him, in the vision of the cross you carry in your hearts during this Passiontide. That truth, those wounds speak to us. They tell us that Jesus is our Savior. They tell us the truth. They tell us that by looking at Him on the cross we see the truth, the truth that has saved us, that saves the world. Amen.
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11:04am | Scrobbled 5 songs on Last.fm. (Show Details) |
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1:50pm |
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Weather is beautiful, children’s penance service this morning. Friends on the way.
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1:50pm |
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Deacon Jim Weather is beautiful, children’s penance service this morning. Friends on the way.
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12:23am |
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12:23am |
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Deacon Jim New blog post: Daily Digest for 2009-03-27 http://tinyurl.com/dd8vdw.
From a letter written to America: November, 1859
Across the Ocean’s rolling expanse
I send you a song, as it were a seagull, oh John!…Its flight will be long to the Land
Of the Free — for it’s now doubtful whether it will arrive…
— Or whether, as a ray from your noble grey hair,
White — on an empty scaffold alights:
That your hangman’s son with child’s hand
May cast stones at the guest seagull.Then the ropes will tell whether
Your bare neck is unyielding;
Then you will try the ground under your heels,
That you may kick away this debased planet —
And the dirt from beneath your feet, as a frightened reptile
Vanishes —
Then will they utter: “Hanged…” —
They will speak and wonder among themselves, could this be a lie?Then, before they place the hat on your face,
That America, having recognized her son,
Will not shout at her twelve stars:
“Extinguish the feigned fires of my crown,
Night falls — a black night with the face of a Negro!”Then, before Kosciuszko’s phantom and Washington’s
Quake — accept the beginning of the song, oh John…
For while the song matures, sometimes a man will die,
But before the song dies, a nation will first arise.
Translated by Walter Whipple
Z listu pisanego do Ameryki w 1859, listopada
Przez Oceanu ruchome płaszczyzny
Pieśń Ci, jak mewę, posyłam, o! Janie…Ta lecieć długo będzie do ojczyzny
Wolnych – bo wątpi już: czy ją zastanie?…
– Czy też, jak promień Twej zacnej siwizny,
Biała – na puste zleci rusztowanie :
By kata Twego syn rączką dziecinną
Kamienie ciskał na mewę gościnną!Więc, niźli szyję Twoją obnażoną
Spróbują sznury, jak jest nieugiętą;
Więc, niźli ziemi szukać poczniesz piętą,
By precz odkopnąć planetę spodloną –
A ziemia spod stóp Twych, jak płaz zlękniony,
Pierzchnie –
więc, niźli rzekną: “Powieszony…” –
Rzekną i pojrzą po sobie, czy kłamią? – –Więc, nim kapelusz na twarz Ci załamią,
By Ameryka, odpoznawszy syna,
Nie zakrzyknęła na gwiazd swych dwanaście:
“Korony mojej sztuczne ognie zgaście,
Noc idzie – czarna noc z twarzą Murzyna!”Więc, nim Kościuszki cień i Waszyngtona
Zadrży – początek pieśni przyjm, o! Janie…
Bo pieśń nim dojrzy, człowiek nieraz skona,
A niźli skona pieśń, naród pierw wstanie.