10 reasons I’m a National Catholic — Reason 1: We’re right
The Holy Polish National Catholic Church is right in its faith, practice, and structure. The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit (John 20:22, Acts 1:5), teaches the truth about God, about Jesus Christ, about salvation, and about the means and methods by which mankind is to organize in an effort to reach eternal life. Beyond teacher, it is the visible society of all believers who join in common cause to acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; the community of all who endeavor to live as Jesus taught.
One can “believe” in a lot of things. You can “believe” that water is made from hydrogen and oxygen, that the sun will rise tomorrow, that your car will start in the morning, and that the school bus will arrive relatively timely. Each of those “beliefs” can be supported by evidence.
To be Catholic requires that you believe, not from evidence alone, but from faith, that the Church is the true community of believers formed by and established by Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18). You must believe that the Church holds and teaches the truth given to it by Jesus Christ (John 16:12-13). You must believe that the Church guides you in the way of truth; that through its liturgy, prayer, teaching, and structure you become the person God intended you to be. You can call this position a belief in the infallibility of the Church — that the Church is truly right in what she teaches, in how she lives.
If I did not believe that the Polish National Catholic Church is right in all it prays and teaches then I am simply wasting my time. I could just as easily have joined a social club for companionship or for other good purposes. I know myself, I know my conscience, and I know my faith. I know that I am not wasting my time and that the Church is more than a club. The Church is the true guide to all that is good, to heaven, to all that Christ promised through the Church.
My declaration of faith is faith by regeneration. Through the Holy Spirit’s action I came to faith, and through that faith I have come to believe that all the Polish National Catholic Church prays and teaches is right, is in full accord with the teachings of Jesus, as well as the faith handed down through the Apostles.
Therefore, I believe that the Polish National Catholic Church is the true Church. It is the Divinely instituted society that teaches me, guides me, and trains me in all that is true and right — true and right by God’s standards! Through the Church’s way of life I will gain heaven because Jesus Christ gave the Church the graces necessary to carry out that mission.
As G. K. Chesterton wrote in The Catholic Church and Conversion:
But it is one thing to conclude that Catholicism is good and another to conclude that it is right. It is one thing to conclude that it is right and another to conclude that it is always right.
I am a National Catholic because by my faith journey, by my experience, by faith, and by regeneration I have come to believe that the Polish National Catholic Church is more than good, it is more than right, it is always right in what it teaches. It offers me, and all people, the fullness of sanctification and truth, the path to heaven.
Very well written – positive, logical, inspiring. Thank you.
One question. You state:
Therefore, I believe that the Polish National Catholic Church is the true Church.
If the PNCC is the true Church, why does God hide His Truth in a small,
25,000 member Church? This makes it very difficult for non-believers to
find. Or, is there more than one “true” Church?
Thank you.
To your question, I would love to provide an answer, but there is no answer. I think that the Orthodox put it best when they say, ‘We know where the Church is; we don’t know where it is not.’ So I can say that I know where the Church is. I am certain God’s grace, sanctification, and truth are fully present in the Holy Polish National Catholic Church. Outside of the PNCC, I cannot say anything with certainty. As for other Churches, perhaps they are true in accordance with God’s will and grace. As I work through this series perhaps the answer will become clearer.