Month: April 2009


April 30 – Curatia Dionisia by Zbigniew Herbert

The stone is well preserved The inscription (corrupt Latin)
proclaims that Curatia Dionisia lived forty years
and at her own expense had raised this modest little monument
Lonely is her banquet The cup half-drained
Unsmiling face Doves too ponderous
Her last years she spent in Britain
by the wall of the halted barbarians
in a castrum of which the foundations and cellars remain

She practised woman’s oldest profession
She was mourned briefly but sincerely by the soldiers of the Third Legion
and a certain aged officer

She instructed the sculptors to place two pillows under her elbow

Dolphins and sea-lions signify a long journey
even though from here it’s just a step to hell

Translated by Adam Czerniawski from Not Lost in Translation as published in the Toronto Slavic Quarterly


Kamień jest dobrze zachowany Napis (skażona łacina)
głosi że Curatia Dionisia żyła lat czterdzieści
i własnym sumptem wystawiła ten skromny pomniczek
Samotny trwa jej bankiet Zatrzymany puchar
Twarz bez uśmiechu Za ciężkie gołębie
Ostatnie lata życia spędziła w Brytanii
pod murem zatrzymanych barbarzyńców
w castrum z którego pozostały fundamenty i piwnice
Zajmowała się najstarszym procederem kobiet
Krótko ale szczerze żałowali ją żołnierze Trzeciej Legii
i pewien stary oficer
Kazała rzeźbiarzom położyć dwie poduszki pod swój łokieć
Delfiny i lwy morskie oznaczają daleką podróż
choć stąd było tylko dwa kroki do piekła


Daily Digest for April 30th

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6:47am via Google Reader

April 29 – Night sky by Leopold Staff

Black night, silver night.
World without end
In time and space.
The middle of the Milky Way.
Doesn’t it pass us all?
Passes human conception.

Translation by Dcn. Jim


Noc czarna, srebrna noc.
Świat nieskończony
W czasie i przestrzeni.
Pośrodku Droga Mleczna.
Któż po niej przechodzi?
To przechodzi ludzkie pojęcie.


Daily Digest for April 29th

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New blog post: Daily Digest for April 28th [#]
7:45pm via Twitter
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New blog post: Partying like its 1934 [#]
7:58pm via Twitter
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New blog post: Voices — Roots and Branches of New York Folk Music [#]
8:13pm via Twitter
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New blog post: Grey horse by Adam Asnyk [#]
8:31pm via Twitter
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New blog post: April 27 – After dark by Bolesław Leśmian [#]
9:03pm via Twitter
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New blog post: April 28 – Cain and Abel by Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna [#]
9:44pm via Twitter
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7:58am via Google Reader

April 28 – Cain and Abel by Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna

There were two of them in an empty world:
Cain and Abel.
One the keeper of sheep, the other working the fields,
one was strong, the second — weak.

There were two brothers and two different loves given
to God the Creator:
one offering the slaughtered sheep,
the second – wheat, corn and mint,
sweet cucumber.

There were two brothers, one without envy
– Abel? Cain?
They quarreled at the offertory altar,
the strong kill the weak … This is repeated …
I know nothing more.

Translation by Dcn. Jim


Było nas dwóch na pustym globie:
Kain i Abel.
Jeden baranki pasał, drugi na roli robił,
jeden był mocny, drugi – słaby.

Było nas dwóch braci i dwie różne miłości
do Boga stwórcy:
jeden baranki mu składał zarżnięte,
drugi – pszenicę, kukurydzę i miętę,
słodkie ogórki.

Było nas dwóch braci, któryś z nich pozazdrościł
– Abel ? Kain ?
Pokłóciliśmy się u ofiarnych ołtarzy,
słaby silnego zabił… To się powtarza…
I nie wiem dalej.

Everything Else, , , ,

Voices — Roots and Branches of New York Folk Music

The New York Folklore Society is holding a benefit gala on Friday, May 29th in Schenectady, New York. All proceeds will benefit the New York Folklore Society, a service organization dedicated to the study, promotion, and continuation of New York’s diverse folklore and folklife. Details as follows:

Proctors’ Theatre, 432 State Street, Schenectady
Reception/Meet the Artists at 5:30 p.m. in Robb Alley, Proctors
Concert begins at 7:00 p.m. in the GE Theater of Proctors

Please join us for a benefit event featuring some of New York’s favorite musicians – traditional as well as performer/interpreters. Featured performers (a tentative list) include ballad singer Colleen Cleveland, Senegalese drummer and dancer Fode Sissoko, singer/songwriter Dan Berggren, Abenaki storyteller and musician Joe Bruchac, multi-instrumentalist John Kirk and Cedar Stanistreet, and performer/interpreters Kim and Reggie Harris.

Reception and Concert $40.00
Concert only $20.00
(a $1.50 surcharge will be added via the box office at Proctor’s Theatre)

Tickets Available through the New York Folklore Society, 518-346-7008 or through Proctor’s box office. A portion of the ticket price is tax deductible.


Daily Digest for April 28th

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5:26pm via Google Reader
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6:27am via Google Reader

April 27 – After dark by Bolesław Leśmian

The lip is the lip’s friend, the hand the hand’s
Lying next each other each one understands
To whom he belongs – each one of the buried dead.
Unwillingly the night goes overhead;
The earth asserts itself, but hesitantly ;
And leaflessly the leaves move on a tree.
God stirs the wind and space: but He is high
Above the forest’s distant forest sigh.
The wind says this to space:
“I’ll not be back
Across this forest while the night shines black.”
Still darkness thickens, pierced by small starlight.
The seagulls flying over the sea are white.
One says : “I’ve heard the fate of stars foretold.”
The next: “I’ve watched the heavens themselves unfold.”
The third is silent, but because it knew
Two bodies, glowing in the darkness, who
Wove darkness into their embrace: it found
Them made of the caress in which they wound.

Translated by Jerzy Peterkiewicz and Burns Singer


Wiedzą ciała, do kogo należą,
Gdy po ciemku obok siebie leżą!
Warga-wardze, a dłoń dłoni sprzyja-
Noc nad nimi niechetnie przemija.
Świat się trwali, ale tak niepewnie!…
Drzewa szumią, ale pozadrzewnie!…
A nad borem, nad dalekim borem
Bóg porusza wichrem i przestworem.
I powiada wicher do przestworu:
“Już nie wrócę tej nocy do boru!”-
Bór się mroczy, a gwiazdy weń świecą,
A nad morzem białe mewy lecą.
Jedna mówi:”Widziałam gwiazd losy!”
Druga mówi:”Widziałam niebiosy!”-
A ta trzecia milczy, bo widziała
Dwa po ciemku pałające ciała…
mrok, co wsnuł się w ich ściśliwe sploty,
Nic nie znalazł w ciałach, prócz pieszczoty!


Daily Digest for April 27th

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New blog post: Daily Digest for April 26th [#]
5:00pm via Twitter
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At my son’s baseball game. They came from behind Saturday (7-1) to win (10-7). Let’s see what happens. [#]
2:55pm via Twitter
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National Anthem, check. [#]
3:03pm via Twitter
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Remembering my swine flu shots, winter of 1976. Think they’re still good? [#]
3:05pm via Twitter
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Top of 2nd, up 1-0 [#]
3:19pm via Twitter
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3rd as a disaster, still down… [#]
4:25pm via Twitter
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Thought it was getting better, but it isn’t so. Looks like a blow out [#]
4:37pm via Twitter