Day: April 23, 2009

Current Events, , ,

Can my boss do that!?!

From Interfaith Worker Justice: Check out the new IWJ worker rights website, Can My Boss Do That?

Can My Boss Do That? is a one-stop source of information on an entire range of worker rights topics, from whether you have the right to go to the bathroom to workers compensation, health and safety, and the right to organize a union.

IWJ is launching the website in the face of the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, in which millions of workers are losing their jobs or fear for their job security. The website provides concrete resources for the unemployed, their families, and worker advocates, including topics such as keeping health care benefits, unemployment compensation, your rights during layoffs, “can they fire me?”, getting your last paycheck, and looking for work.

Current Events, Poland - Polish - Polonia, ,

Fałszywe straszenie bezrobociem!

Departament Pracy Stanu Nowy Jork wysyła ostrzeżenie:

Albany NY (Kwiecień 15, 2009) —“ Commissioner M. Patricia Smith z Departamentu Pracy Stanu Nowy Jork oświadczyła dzisiaj, ze Departament Pracy jest świadomy o mającym miejsce fałszywym straszeniu bezrobotnych. Ludzie ci bez skrupułów wymuszają opłatę za wysłanie petycji o przyznanie bezrobocia. Wielu Polaków staje się ich ofiarami w metropolii Nowojorskiej.

Departament Pracy nie pobiera opłat od zwolnionych pracowników chcących otrzymać świadczenie pieniężne dla bezrobotnych ( przez Internet lub przez telefon).Departament ostrzega nowojorczyków, zwlasza z etnicznych środowisk, żeby byli świadomi, ze pobieranie opłat jest nie prawda.

—žTa wiadomość jest jasna: nie ma opłat za złożenie petycji o przyznanie swaiadczenia dla bezrobotnych. Jeżeli powiedziano ci cos innego jest to niezgodne prawda.— —“ powiedział Governor David A. Paterson. 

—žJa popieram Commissioner Patricia Smith z Departamentu pracy za jej wysiłki aby oszustwo i nadużycia wycelowane w nowojorczyków , którzy szukają pomocy zostało wyeliminowane. Jest trudnym do uwierzenia, ze wykorzystuje się ludzi, którzy właśnie stracili prace i są w krytycznym położeniu.—

Commissioner Smith powiedziała, ,,Ja chce przypomnieć nowojorskim emigrantom, ze Biuro Departamentu Pracy dla Praw Pracowniczych Emigrantów może pomoc ci niezależnie od twojego statusu emigracyjnego. Jeżeli zostałeś skrzywdzony przez oszustów, zachęcam ciebie do skontaktowania się z naszym Biurem jak najszybciej.—

Biuro Praw Pracowniczych dla Emigrantów próbuje dotrzeć do emigrantów w ich własnych środowiskach. Biuro Pracy rozprowadza broszury z informacjami w jedenastu językach, w ostatnim czasie również po polsku i koreansku. Biuro informuje emigrantów o ich prawach i świadczeniach prowadzonych przez departament.

Najszybszym sposobem na złożenie petycji o przyznanie świadczenia dla bezrobotnych jest wypełnienie aplikacji na stronie internetowej Departamentu Pracy Dla tych którzy nie maja dostępu do Internetu, proszę dzwonić pod numer 1-888-209-8124.

W 2006 imigranci stanowili 2.47 miliona zatrudnionych, czyli 26% zatrudnionych w Stanie Nowy Jork. W Mieście Nowy Jork imigranci Stanowili 1.76 Miliona czyli 47% wszystkich zatrudnionych.

Aby skontaktować się z Biurem Praw Pracowniczych dla Emigrantów proszę dzwonić 1-877-IMM-WRKR (1-877-466-9757).

Poland - Polish - Polonia, , , , ,

Dancing with your children

Two Friends Author New Book on Dance and Songs for Children

twofriendscoverMaria Bielski and Janina Dobkowski have recently co-authored and published a book of Polish children’s singing games and dances entitled “Two Friends, They Went A’ Dancing.”

The book contains the lyrics of ten popular singing games in both English and Polish as well as a vocal music score with chords. Clear step by step movement and dance instructions are outlined with the text. In addition, a CD of the recorded songs with accompaniment is included so that parents, grandparents, teachers, and children can immediately enjoy the songs and games. Each page has an original “wycinanki” (Polish cut-out style) illustration designed by the artist, Joanna Bielska, which can be reproduced for coloring or craft projects.

The authors created this book as a resource for anyone interested in folk culture. They hope it assists parents and grandparents in passing Polish traditions on to their children and grandchildren. Teachers, occupational therapists, ethnic dance directors, whether Polish or not, can use this book to enrich their classroom program, physical education curriculum, music and dance classes, and children’s events. The CD can be used during assemblies, parties for both children and adults, car trips, and sing a longs.

Both authors are teachers by profession and have an extensive background in Polish folk art, music, and dance. They have danced with the Polish American Folk Dance Company and organized countless folk dance workshops all over the New York Metropolitan area. They are members of the Polish American Teachers Association, which has its headquarters at the Kosciuszko Foundation, and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Professional Women’s Association.

Ms. Bielski has been on the teaching staff of the Krakowianki and Gorale Children’s’ Dance Group of Greenpoint for the past several years. Ms. Dobkowski is a member of the National Dance Association and Dance and the Child International which fosters dance opportunities for children. Mana and Janina have been friends since their teenage years in the Polish Scouting organization. They have been dancing and singing together their whole lives. The authors invite everyone to grab a friend, young or old, and dance.

Poland - Polish - Polonia,

Scholarships for Polish-American high school seniors

From Polish American World:

Scholarship Money Available!

American Polish Council of Long Island announces that it will award a “Leon Young Scholarship” for 2009.

The application deadline is May 27th, and is fast approaching! More information and applications are available for download at the Council’s website or by calling toll free 1-877-455-4344 to request an application via U.S. Mail.

The American Polish Council of Long island is proud to support Polonian youth and help with their continued success. For more than 40 years the Council has awarded an annual scholarship to a deserving high school senior, and for the last few years has awarded two $1,000 scholarships to Long Island graduating seniors.

The Council invites all graduating seniors of Polish decent to submit an application for this year’s scholarship.

Scholarships Available!

The President of the Polish American Cultural Association, Joe Brala along with Chairperson Irene Wierzbicki, announced the opening of the Association’s application period for its annual scholarship award.

There will be a one time award of $1,000 given to a high school senior attending college in September 2009. In addition, the President of the General Pulaski Foundation, Michael Bibla, announces an $800 scholarship is also available.

To qualify for these awards, a student must be of Polish ancestry, well rounded academically and a responsible community minded citizen. For an application, call the Polish American Cultural Association at 516-883-5553 or Chairperson Irene Wierzbicki at 516-671-7081.

Current Events, PNCC,

Supporting each other in tough times

From the Monroe News: Support in troubling times

TEMPERANCE, MI – Chris Cremean wants the unemployed to know they are not alone.

The Toledo resident has created a new support group for those who have lost their jobs.

The nondenominational group meets for one hour beginning at 10 a.m. each Wednesday at Resurrection Polish National Catholic Church, 1835 W. Temperance Rd. between Jackman and Douglas Rds.

For Mr. Cremean, job loss is personal. In October, he was let go after 33 years in the home care industry. In December, he launched his own company, Caregiver Resources Group LLC and became a resource specialist offering services to caregivers.

He approached his fellow church members about creating a group targeted at those who have lost their jobs.

“I saw a lack of support groups for those who have lost their jobs,” Mr. Cremean said. “Michigan is hit hardest of all the states because of the auto industry.”

The support group will help participants cope with job loss, network with fellow job seekers and share job leads, information about unemployment and the services available through Michigan Works!, United Way and other resources.

Mr. Cremean is hoping to attract job seekers to the meetings by spreading the word. He encourages people to come because they are not alone.

“There are so many others out there who are going through the same thing,” he said.

The church was looking for a mission, and Mr. Cremean said this was a practical way to reach out to the community.

“This is so big,” he said of the job loss in the area. “It was obvious to us there was a need for this.”

For more information about the support group for the unemployed, call (419) 206-5979.


April 23 – Humorous Verses (Fraszki) by Jan Kochanowski

In Defense to Drunkards

Earth, that drinks rain, refreshes the trees:
Oceans drink rivers: stars quaff up the seas:
So why should they make such a terrible fuss
Over insignificant tipplers like us?

Translated by Jerzy Peterkiewicz and Burns Singer

To A Mathematician

He discovered the age of the sun and he knows
Just why the wrong or the right wind blows.
He has looked at each nook of the ocean’s floor
But he doesn’t see that his wife is a whore.

Translated by Jerzy Peterkiewicz and Burns Singer

To the Holy Father

I can not call you Holy, father — of shame you have none,
Once, a great priest, I see your sons.

Translated by Dcn. Jim

A glass of wine with Caesar Borgia by John Collier

Za Pijanicami

Ziemia deszcz pije, ziemię drzewa piją,
Z rzek morze, z morza wszytki gwiazdy żyją.
Na nas nie wiem, co ludzie upatrzyli –
Dziwno im, żesmy trochę się napili.

Na Matematyka

Ziemię pomierzył i głębokie morze,
Wie, jako wstają i zachodzą zorze;
Wiatrom rozumie, praktykuje komu,
A sam nie widzi, że ma kurwę w domu.

Na Świętego Ojca

Świętym cię zwać nie mogę, ojcem się nie wstydzę,
Kiedy, wielki kapłanie, syny twoje widzę.