Christian Witness, Media

Pascha – a restoration

Thomas Smith, who Twitters here, points to an interview with Armenian author, poet, theologian, and gardener Vigen Guroian from American Public Radio’s Speaking of the Faith.

The interview with Mr. Guroian, entitled Restoring the Senses, explores Easter as “a call to our senses.” Mr. Guroian discusses “his Eastern Orthodox sensibility that is at once more mystical and more earthy than the Christianity dominant in Western culture….

Other features include a beautiful picture of the Pascha liturgy of the Armenian Orthodox Church from the Church of St. Hripsime in Echmiadzin, Armenia, a selection of hymns and chants on the SOF Playlist, and a series of short videos on life in the Orthodox faith at the time of Pascha: Easter in Sarajevo; Cyclical Time on Mount Athos; and Images of Eastern Orthodoxy — iconography and church architecture with Russian chanting.