Day: September 30, 2010

Christian Witness, Events, PNCC, ,

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 6

Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, and make me
understand and despise the emptiness and
nothingness of the world. Give me grace to use
the world only for Your glory and the salvation
of Your creatures. May l always be very faithful
in putting Thy rewards before every earthly gift.
Especially give this gift to our fraternal
organization, the Polish National Union Spójnia.
Allow this organization to promote fraternalism
and concord within its membership and its
interaction with our Holy Church.

Christian Witness, Current Events, Events, Perspective, Political, , , , , ,

Jobs Crisis March

Are you concerned about the crisis of jobs? If so, join Interfaith Worker Justice at the One Nation Working Together rally in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, October 2.

The rally, at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall from noon to 4 p.m., will have terrific speakers, music and informational tables. Four hours is not too long to make a stand for jobs. Please bring your friends and family. The turnout for the rally will demonstrate the extent of concern about the unemployment crisis. The bigger the turnout, the louder message, which will mean more media coverage and greater political impact.

If you want to meet up before the rally and go together, meet at IWJ’s Capitol Hill townhouse at 404 4th Street, NE at 11 a.m. After the rally, plan on stopping by the townhouse around 4:30 p.m. for some snacks and fellowship. Again, the address is 404 4th Street, NE – a short walk up Massachusetts Avenue from Union Station.