Christian Witness, PNCC, Poland - Polish - Polonia, , ,

Newsweek Poland – Dad in a Cassock

The cover of this week’s Newsweek Polska – Dad in a cassock: How the Church tolerates the double life of priests.

I am very happy that a major publication in Poland is covering this issue. As I have said in many other posts, celibacy is a wonderful gift, granted by the Holy Spirit to those whom the Spirit wills. It is not a gift given on demand, or a simple promise, it doesn’t work that way. God is not under our control. The Roman Church really needs to get their thinking right on this issue and in line with the Orthodox Church, Oriental Church, and the PNCC. A proper disposition in the Church is to be honest, not to lie, not to cover up. There’s been enough damage caused by such things – imagine how these cover ups play on the minds, hearts, and souls of “secret wives” and children without honest fathers.