Month: September 2012

Christian Witness, Homilies,

Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

I’m locking up Jesus.
Hey, wait a minute…

“John said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, we saw someone forcing demons out of a person by using the power and authority of your name. We tried to stop him because he was not one of us.’”

We meet someone, and find out that they are doing amazing things in Jesus’ name what do we think. Maybe they are drawing dozens of people into their Church. Maybe they are really effective at serving others, helping them find God’s forgiveness and healing through their words and actions. Maybe they are a really great preacher. What’s is our reaction especially if they are not members of our parish or our Holy Church?

Today’s gospel shows us that the disciples’ reaction is jealousy, anger, and a desire to stop that person. Better yet, they want to use the power of God (that’s Jesus) to stop them. It sort of reminds us of how petty the disciples could be at times.

Remember, in Luke 9, after a town had rejected Jesus the very same disciple, John, came to Jesus and asked if he could call down fire from heaven to destroy the town.

Jesus tells us today that our reaction to our brothers and sisters who bear His name should be one of joy, happiness, thankfulness, and fellowship. The person the disciples saw, and the people we find, doing great things in Jesus’ name all belong to Him. Jesus isn’t claiming exclusivity for His followers, or creating one human boss over all.

Jesus did not create one human boss over all because He well knew human weakness. If the disciples couldn’t rejoice in the wonderful things being done in His name, if their first reaction to anyone who didn’t get Jesus was to destroy them, how could He trust any one of them to be the “one over all?”

It is sad and unfortunate when one Church claims such things. It makes all Christians look bad because those that do not know Jesus see a sign that says Church is a closed community – a gated community with Jesus locked up inside. It speaks of exclusivity rather than openness.

Jesus left us a sacred and holy way of life. He gave us His word. He provided us with the nourishment of His sacraments. He showed us love and welcome. He expects all that follow Him to do just that – follow Him as the “One in charge.”

When we get the urge to lock Jesus up in a gated community, to claim Him exclusively, remember today’s example. He says: You cannot lock me up. There is no “one in charge” but rather “One in charge.” All who follow the “One in charge” are blessed and welcome.


Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Key kids.
You get it.

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”

Why did Jesus compare receiving a child to receiving Him?

The key in this verse is the word “receive.” It actually means to take by the hand. It means to take up. It means to befriend. It means to receive in hospitality. It means to accept into one’s life.

Whoever does these things isn’t just receiving a child, but they are also receiving Jesus because they no longer care about being pretentious, pompous, high-and-mighty, or arrogant. They are open, not just the innocence or a child, but to becoming small themselves.

We all know that we can’t act like big shots around children. They see right through it and will call us on it. In relating to a child we have to let down our guards, open up, and soften ourselves.

We have to do the same to accept Jesus, and to accept and welcome His Father as our Father.

Jesus was showing the disciples, who were arguing about who’s first that they had to let go of that attitude. They had to stop pretending after greatness because the only place they could find greatness, find heaven, was in being the servant to each other.

Jesus loved children because they weren’t competing. They were open to love and plain teaching. They recognized Jesus’ love – they got Him. While the men and women around Him, even His disciples were blinded by their own goals, children clearly saw God’s goals for their lives – and they accepted God’s goals as their goals.

We will all be called to account for our approach to life – how closely our lives follow Jesus’ way.

Did we treat our faith as something complex and hierarchical? Did we treat our faith as based on community and service to each other and the wider world?

Do we dwell on disputes and the competition to be greater than others? Do we focus on humility and self-denial so as to be most like Jesus?

St. James, having learned from Jesus during these days, points out that we tend to seek for ourselves, we focus only on our passions, we ask wrongly. We need to listen to the child’s voice. When we hear, “May I please have a glass of water?” our hearts should melt to become the servant who fulfills that child’s need – for the water that brings both physical and spiritual life. Be a humble believer, accept that child, and receive Jesus.

Current Events, Poland - Polish - Polonia, , , ,

Veteran’s Day Scholarship Contest for High School Students

The Polish American Journal is sponsoring a Veteran’s Day Scholarship Contest for high school students honoring Lt. Col. Matthew L. Urban, the most decorated soldier in United States military history. Six awards will be made to winners and runners-up. Students must submit an essay entitled “Why I Think the United States Postal Service Should Issue a Stamp Commemorating Lt. Col. Matthew L. Urban.” Entries must be submitted no later than November 11, 2012. Download the rules, eligibility, and submission criteria by clicking on the picture below.

Homilies, , , ,

Reflection for Back to Church Sunday

I am listening.
What should I say?

“The LORD has heard my supplication; the LORD accepts my prayer.”

Did you ever wonder what the Word of God is all about? Scripture, the Bible, whatever term we use, what is its purpose, why should we read it, study it, reflect on it, or even act on it?

For many people, the bible might be something handed down from parents and grandparents, a cherished memento. For some it may have been a gift they received for their first communion, baptism, on their wedding day. Certainly, most people have access to a bible in their home, and even if they do not, it is easily accessed via the Internet, on your iPod or iPad.

It comes in handy. We tend to reach for that bible when an issue or problem confronts us, when we are not well or when someone we love is sick. We look for those words of comfort and guidance.

Some people really focus on scripture and use the bible as their guide for life. It becomes a procedure manual and a guide for everyday living. I need to go to the store – what does the bible have to say? I dropped my groceries, my car is making an odd noise, and my husband or wife isn’t talking to me — what does God have to say on the issue?

That is all well and good and has merit. Anytime someone picks up that bible God’s word goes to work in his or her life, but the Word is not really about us.

If God’s word, His revelation is not a revelation about our lives, what does it reveal?

Scripture is this – it is God’s revelation about Himself, His self-revelation. Everything in scripture points out something about God’s personality, His thoughts, His power, His mercy, His Fatherhood, and His love.

The single most important thread in God’s self-revelation is that He wants to live with us, in relationship with us. This is so important that He sent His only Son Jesus to break down the barrier of sin that separated us from God. He broke down that wall; He wiped away sin and the consequence of sin – death. He offered His life to accomplish this mission.

God wants to be in a relationship with us that much. We are that important to Him. Because of that He is with us every minute, listening to us. So when problems or issues confront us, and we reach for that bible, God opens Himself to us. He says, here I am, for you, for whatever you need, even if it is only comfort. This is who I AM. I am listening to you. Say or ask for anything because you are that important to me.

Christian Witness, Events, PNCC, , ,

Consecration of our new bishops

See coverage and a video of the consecration of Bishops Nowicki and Bilinski at: New Bishops Installed in Polish National Catholic Church

Scranton, Lackawanna County – Friday, [September 14, 2012] was a big day for the Polish National Catholic Church.

A mass to officially install two new bishops, including the one who will serve northeastern Pennsylvania, got underway late Friday afternoon in Scranton.

The mass began at 3:30 PM at Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr Cathedral in South Scranton.

The two bishops who will now serve their communities are Bishop Stanley Bilinski and Bishop Bernard Nowicki.

“I can’t believe the people who have come around from so far away and old friends from close places are an absolute delight,” Bishop Nowicki said.

Bishop Nowicki will serve the Polish National Catholic Church’s largest diocese, which includes Scranton. It stretches from New York to Washington, D.C.

Bishop Bilinski will be based in Chicago and will serve the church’s western diocese.

“We each bring unique gifts to the table and to understand that we can help the church along in its various needs, especially in this day and age,” Bishop Bilinski said.

Both of the new bishops, who were elected in June, say this is an exciting time for the Polish National Catholic Church. The bishops point to a new Prime Bishop in the church and a lot of new leadership that will drive them forward.

“We have our ideas, we have senses of where we want to go and certainly how we want to work together and that’s already been born out in the last few days,” Bishop Nowicki said…

Christian Witness, Homilies, PNCC,

Reflection for the Solemnity of Brotherly Love

And who is my…

“you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.”

The exercise of brotherly love takes two forms.

The first is exercising love toward our family in the faith. Within the Church, and with fellow Christians, we are to live as joined together in tender affection, such as the love between parents and children. This means that Christians should have similar feelings toward each other, as belonging to the same family, and as united in the same principles and interests.

The second is exercising love toward all of humanity. As the Good Samaritan, we must look at every person with love and compassion, treating them as brothers and sisters.

This might seem easy when a person we do not know is in need. We still feel the tug to help, to do something for them – we are following Christ’s teaching. But, what happens when a person we do not know is cruel toward us, toward the Church in general, or toward all Christians?

We may never be able to turn their hearts of our own accord, but with Christ’s help we must love. Here is how:

First, we need to trust in Jesus’ word. Hearing it is one thing, but carrying it out is another. That’s harder – we have to admit that. But, pause for a moment and think, how would Jesus want me to respond. We will always come back to responding with love.

Next, we need to express that love. The best way to start is in prayer. Pray for that person, that whatever troubles them may be removed, that their heart may be healed and turned. Follow up by expressions of brotherly love. This could be as simple as not responding in kind.

Do not return a bad word for a bad word. Do not return a scowl with a scowl. Rather, return love, a smile, an expression of kindness and empathy.

Throughout the history of faith, Christians have been know as doing crazy things – things the world does not understand. The hardest thing for the world to understand is love toward strangers and most especially toward those who are not kind to us.

If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.

God taught us how to love. It is not always easy, both within our family of faith and toward all of humanity. Therefore, let’s exercise our brotherly love at all times – and grow strong in love.

Art, Events, PNCC, Poland - Polish - Polonia, , , , , ,

Events for September 2012

Pola Negri Stories

The Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club in Los Angeles is sponsoring a presentation of Kazimierz Braun’s Pola Negri Stories at Magicopolis, 1418 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA on Sunday, September 30th at 5pm.

Pola Negri Stories is a fascinating spectacle about a silent film star, Pola Negri. The play, written by the eminent playwright and director, Kazimierz Braun, follows Pola Negri’s career and presents its highlights, with film excerpts. This rare treat will be in Polish; with Agata Pilitowska as Pola Negri and Maria Nowotarska. The silent-film era costumes will delight the audience, as will the sultry and passionate portrayal of the famous actress.

This is a touring production by Teatr Polski from Toronto, Ontario (Polish Theater of Toronto) and will be presented in Polish. Tickets are open to Modjeska Club members through September 15th. After that tickets will be available to the general public ($35 guests, $20 club members).

Dozynki/Harvest Festival

All are invited to Holy Mother of Sorrows PNCC two day event next Saturday and Sunday, September 8th and 9th starting with a Giant Flea Market from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 8th and then from 11 a.m. to dusk on Sunday, September 9th for the 36th Annual Dozynki/Harvest Festival.

Events will be held on the parish grounds on Wyoming Avenue. In addition to the many vendors under the big tent, the flea market will also have a Country Store of fresh fruits and vegetables and a variety of Polish foods. The Annual Harvest Festival will have a variety of homemade ethnic foods: pierogi, potato pancakes, golubki, kluski, kielbasa, sausage, soups and funnel cakes, etc. as well as American foods of hot dogs and ham burgers. Homemade baked goods, including pies and cakes, will be available.

Live music will be performed by Joe Lastovica and the Polka Punch from 3 to 6 p.m. Other attractions at the Festival are: 50/50 Bingo, Big Raffle, Chinese Auction, Arts and Crafts, Children’s and Youth Stand.

The traditional Blessing of Harvest Wreath Ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. in the church followed by a procession taking the wreath outdoors to the festival grounds for a brief program and where everyone will be greeted as you pass the wreath with a taste of bread, cheese and wine and a small token of good luck, a wheat boutonniere tied with red and white ribbon.

Dożynki, Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski, c. 1910
Christian Witness, PNCC, Work, , , , , , ,

A Prayer for the Unemployed on Labor Day

Almighty God,

As we reflect on this Labor Day in fellowship and in hope we call ourselves a people committed to following You to serve the well-being of others. We commit to one another’s dignity and welfare. We know that our creativity is a gift from You; and we commit the work of our hearts and hands and minds to Your service and to Your glory in all that we do.

We see in one another and in those whom we serve Your divine signature, and we honor it. We know that You are present among us as we offer this prayer in one voice to You, Lord God of compassion and mercy. We ask that You remain with us and strengthen us as we endeavor to ensure that Your justice is served.

We remember particularly today those among our brothers and sisters who are without meaningful and sustaining work, those who struggle to provide for themselves and their families. We ask that You guide us and grant us the wisdom to address the problem of unemployment and underemployment in our community and in our nation.

Encourage us now, Lord, as we seek to find solutions to these challenges. Lord, in Your presence and filled with hope; guided by Your grace we are determined to preserve the well-being and dignity of working people and their families across this country. Grant that we persevere with faith and hope, and in the sure knowledge that justice will certainly triumph. Amen.


Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

You confuse me!
I know, but it’s not that tough.

“Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.”

Do we find it confusing to do God’s will, or is it easy? Unfortunately, there is not one easy answer. It comes down to our personality, learning, spirit, and skills.

I was reading a story, and it mentioned a character whose personality was completely charitable. He couldn’t be anything other than charitable. His faith life dictated his actions. He would go out of his way to do extraordinary things, just to help, to be there. It could be a ride, a shoulder, helping hands, or a kind and supportive world. He did God’s will through the way he helped in an outward and demonstrable way.

For others that type of direct action might be more difficult. They may provide support through donations of food and treasure. They may respond through prayer for peoples’ intentions.

It is important that none of us rate the works of others. What they do, and how they do it, is part of the way they carry out God’s will. Their lives follow a particular path founded upon the way God’s message resonates within them.

There are so many misconceptions among Christians in relation to what God wants us to do. Some think that becoming a Christian is enough. You are going to heaven and all problems are automatically solved. Some will tell you that God will tell us what He wants though some amazing miraculous vision or voice – and not only that – He will give us step by step directions. Others will say that faith is just a force, a vehicle for us to get what we want and need at the moment. Faith and God is just a tool we can use. It is no longer God’s desire for us, but God acting on our desires.

St. Paul laid out the answer to living in accord with what God wants from us. We are to believe in God, internalize His word, and take action. Listen to His word and take action.

If we just listen, its like water rolling off a rock. The outside might get wet, but nothing happens inside. We cannot be like rocks. The word has to penetrate us and change us. Then, as changed people we carry out the direction of God’s word in a particular way.

That is Jesus’ message. It is not how we look, what we eat, any outward measure, but how much we absorb and are changed by God’s will. Will we accept His will and be changed, or will we remain just a wet rock? Jesus makes it easy, listen – makes God’s will our center – then act on it.