Day: September 3, 2012

Art, Events, PNCC, Poland - Polish - Polonia, , , , , ,

Events for September 2012

Pola Negri Stories

The Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club in Los Angeles is sponsoring a presentation of Kazimierz Braun’s Pola Negri Stories at Magicopolis, 1418 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA on Sunday, September 30th at 5pm.

Pola Negri Stories is a fascinating spectacle about a silent film star, Pola Negri. The play, written by the eminent playwright and director, Kazimierz Braun, follows Pola Negri’s career and presents its highlights, with film excerpts. This rare treat will be in Polish; with Agata Pilitowska as Pola Negri and Maria Nowotarska. The silent-film era costumes will delight the audience, as will the sultry and passionate portrayal of the famous actress.

This is a touring production by Teatr Polski from Toronto, Ontario (Polish Theater of Toronto) and will be presented in Polish. Tickets are open to Modjeska Club members through September 15th. After that tickets will be available to the general public ($35 guests, $20 club members).

Dozynki/Harvest Festival

All are invited to Holy Mother of Sorrows PNCC two day event next Saturday and Sunday, September 8th and 9th starting with a Giant Flea Market from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 8th and then from 11 a.m. to dusk on Sunday, September 9th for the 36th Annual Dozynki/Harvest Festival.

Events will be held on the parish grounds on Wyoming Avenue. In addition to the many vendors under the big tent, the flea market will also have a Country Store of fresh fruits and vegetables and a variety of Polish foods. The Annual Harvest Festival will have a variety of homemade ethnic foods: pierogi, potato pancakes, golubki, kluski, kielbasa, sausage, soups and funnel cakes, etc. as well as American foods of hot dogs and ham burgers. Homemade baked goods, including pies and cakes, will be available.

Live music will be performed by Joe Lastovica and the Polka Punch from 3 to 6 p.m. Other attractions at the Festival are: 50/50 Bingo, Big Raffle, Chinese Auction, Arts and Crafts, Children’s and Youth Stand.

The traditional Blessing of Harvest Wreath Ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. in the church followed by a procession taking the wreath outdoors to the festival grounds for a brief program and where everyone will be greeted as you pass the wreath with a taste of bread, cheese and wine and a small token of good luck, a wheat boutonniere tied with red and white ribbon.

Dożynki, Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski, c. 1910
Christian Witness, PNCC, Work, , , , , , ,

A Prayer for the Unemployed on Labor Day

Almighty God,

As we reflect on this Labor Day in fellowship and in hope we call ourselves a people committed to following You to serve the well-being of others. We commit to one another’s dignity and welfare. We know that our creativity is a gift from You; and we commit the work of our hearts and hands and minds to Your service and to Your glory in all that we do.

We see in one another and in those whom we serve Your divine signature, and we honor it. We know that You are present among us as we offer this prayer in one voice to You, Lord God of compassion and mercy. We ask that You remain with us and strengthen us as we endeavor to ensure that Your justice is served.

We remember particularly today those among our brothers and sisters who are without meaningful and sustaining work, those who struggle to provide for themselves and their families. We ask that You guide us and grant us the wisdom to address the problem of unemployment and underemployment in our community and in our nation.

Encourage us now, Lord, as we seek to find solutions to these challenges. Lord, in Your presence and filled with hope; guided by Your grace we are determined to preserve the well-being and dignity of working people and their families across this country. Grant that we persevere with faith and hope, and in the sure knowledge that justice will certainly triumph. Amen.