Day: October 26, 2012

Christian Witness, PNCC,

Eternal memory Fr. Dimopoulos

Father George Dimopoulos, parish priest of The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Wilkes-Barre fell asleep in the Lord on Tuesday, October 23rd. Fr. Dimopoulos taught at the Savonarola Seminary of the Polish National Catholic Church for many, many years. He taught scripture, Orthodox Theology, and Church history at the seminary. May his memory be eternal! ΑΙΩΝΙΑ ΣΟΥ Η ΜΝΗΜΗ. Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him, O Lord! And May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him!

Information from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church including a schedule of services and links to some of Fr. Dimopoulos’ writings.

Obituary from the Scranton Times Leader.

Current Events, Events, Everything Else, , ,

Prayer and Disaster Preparation Guides

First, let us pray:

Grant calmness and control of thought to those who are facing uncertainty and anxiety; let their hearts stand fast, believing in the Lord. Be Thou all things to all men, knowing each one and his petition, each house and its need. For the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen. – A Prayer in Time of National Anxiety – from A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church, Published by the Mission Fund of the PNCC, 7th edition, May 1, 1984.

Be merciful to us, Spare us O Lord.
Be merciful to us, Graciously hear us O Lord.
From all evil, Deliver us, O Lord.
From lightning and tempest, Deliver us, O Lord.

From the Capital Region Theological Center (CRTC): Are You Prepared?

As we learned last year, preparations for what Mother Nature sometimes brings to our communities is a reality of living in the Northeast. In light of current forecasts and the possibility of power outages and other weather-related challenges, CRTC, in our role as communications outlet, would like to provide several resources for your use.

Hopefully, this will be merely an exercise in planning!

Emergency Preparedness Checklists:

Several resources can provide checklists as you ready yourself for a possible emergency:

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

Emergency Supply Checklist

Emergency Guide:

What to have in your:
…head – family plans
      …hand – checklists
          …and home – emergency supplies

Household Preparedness Guide

This guide also includes hazard-specific information, emergency reference cards, emotional expectations and utility guidelines. Designed for NYC residents, much of the information can be easily applied to Capital District residents.

Special Circumstances

There are people and pets in your life that may require special considerations in times of emergency:

Preparedness for Seniors and People with Disabilities

Emergency Preparedness for Pets

Emergency Information

For additional information visit NYS Emergency Management.