Reflection for the Solemnity of Christ the King 2021
Ultimate Faith.
As the visions during the night continued, I saw One like a Son of man coming, on the clouds of heaven; when He reached the Ancient One and was presented before Him, the one like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship; all peoples, nations, and languages serve Him.
We focused for months on strengthening our faith individually and collectively. Now it is time for the test. Wait, no one said there would be a test!
The fact is that the test comes each day. It comes in ways expected and unexpected. It comes amid conflict and at times of peace. The test is this: Who is in charge of my life, who is my leader, and who do I follow?
Oh, ok, that is easy — Jesus.
We think it is that easy, or at least it seems so in our minds. We want to believe that we are all for Jesus, all-in, dedicated disciples of our Lord. Let’s ask some hard test questions.
If I asked, how many of us consider ourselves patriotic citizens of the United States, I am sure most would raise their hands. As citizens, we may be, at any time, called into service, to even place our lives on the line for our country. While we might not be all too happy about the prospect, we would go and do it; it is our duty. But what about service to the Lord, to His Holy Church, the organization He established for His disciples? Would we place our lives on the line for faith in Jesus? Would we be willing to face ridicule to declare the name of our Lord and leader? Would we give up career, home, social status, financial solvency for Jesus?
Some consider themselves politically active. They are quick to throw shade and hate on opponents and rabidly support their political masters, never realizing that they are being used to promote agendas that are against their self-interest. Imagine if they threw off the shackles of political slavery and servitude and spent all that energy on promoting Christ with love and compassion for those who do not know Him. It would change the world. But Jesus would have to be their Lord and leader.
In all these cases, and so many others where our dedications and loyalties are screwed up, we need to assess and recalibrate. Is the Jesus on trial, tortured, mocked, shamed, tried, nailed to the cross my Lord and King? Is He worth my life, my all, my work and sustained effort, possible persecution, mockery, suffering and my potential martyrdom?
The ultimate test of faith is how much I value Jesus’ kingship in my life. Who is in charge of my life, who is my leader, and who do I follow? Jesus answered, “You say I am a king.” Let is be so in each of our lives. Let us be those who belong to the truth and listen to His voice. For that is all that matters.