Reflection for the 1st Sunday of Advent 2021
The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah.
This Advent we focus on the promises of God. We have provided a handy follow along book of reflections and devotions covering thirty promises of God broken down under the categories of hope, peace, joy, and love. This week we reflect on God’s promise of hope.
First, let us cover what a promise is. A promise is an assurance that what is said will come to be. I am sure we have been assaulted in our lives by unkept promises, whether the kids forgot to clean up or take out the trash, a seller reneges on a guarantee, or more seriously a promise is broken at a level affecting our relationships.
Every broken promise hurts. Each affects our trust relationships. Assurance seems not so assured. But thanks be, we have a God Who provides promises we can absolutely count on. You see, God cannot lie. God, in His perfection, can only utter truth. As such, when God makes a promise, we have absolute and perfect assurance that His promise will be fulfilled.
God promised to give us hope. But what is hope? Hope is not the kind of wishy-washy thing we engage in day-to-day — I hope I win the lottery, I hope my ship comes in, I hope it doesn’t rain or snow. No, the hope God offers is a certainty about the future. In God’s promises of hope we have certainty that the things He said will come to pass and that impacts our lives in the present. If we know our future, how we live today changes.
Our study guide covers seven areas of hope promised by God. It helps us inspect our lives and see if we are living today as our future portends. The hope promises are these:
Light in the Darkness — Jesus is the Light. He helps us inspect those areas of darkness in us that need His cleansing light.
Renewed Strength — we do not have to struggle — God will come through on our behalf no matter the circumstance.
Hope and a Future — for those loyal to God, who follow His gospel way — our current situations are not our always situation. God has a plan and future waiting for us.
A Full Life and Eternal Life — It is life that is a gift now/today and awaits us eternally. This life cannot be taken away from us unless we allow it. This life was won for us in the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Anything is Possible with God — yes, God has no barriers unless we erect them through unbelief.
God Is Our Firm Anchor— He cannot be moved, and He gives us assurance. Let us be confident in our hope.
This week let us focus on our assured hope.