Christian Witness, Homilies, Saints and Martyrs,

Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2023

When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him; but tax collectors and prostitutes did.

Welcome as we continue our journey of study and commit ourselves to the work of following, witnessing to, and sharing Jesus.

The Sunday gospel for the past two weeks have Jesus’ teaching us about His Heavenly Father’s way of doing things. All of them and today’s gospel center on God’s great generosity.

Two weeks’ ago, Peter engages Jesus in an accounting discussion, how many times must I forgive? Peter was keeping count of his goodness. Jesus corrects Peter by instructing him on the way His Father’s kingdom works. Forgiveness is to be unlimited.

Last week we heard Jesus’ parable of the landowner and the workers. Regardless of when the workers showed up, they were paid the same, the full day’s wage. What mattered was the last thing the person did. God is equally generous to all who do His work.

Today, Jesus speaks of second chances. Jesus reminds His listeners of their loss if they refused the second chances they were offered. This was a loss based in stubbornness and that could still be redeemed if they would only change their perspective to God’s perspective.

In each example we encounter God’s generosity: unlimited forgiveness; generosity to all, whether they are old school faithful or newcomers; and opportunities to change and soften our hearts toward His Father’s will.

God’s generosity is available to all and is not a process of accounting or scorekeeping, but rather a heart and attitude of perfect love.

If we need an example of God’s infinite generosity just look around, look to the example of the pets we love.

For those who adopt and care for pets we see in them a reflection for the kind of love God promises and calls us to practice. Our pets look at us with unconditional love and call us to sacrificial love and service. For those who adopt from shelters and foster pets, you reflect that second chance aspect of God’s generosity.

St. Francis saw in the beauty and magnificence of nature and in each creature a reflection of God’s generosity – He Who provides nothing but good generosity for us. May we who are the crown of God’s creation always reflect His generosity.