Reflection for the Solemnity of the Resurrection 2024
Think of what is above, not of what is on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory.
Christ is Risen! He is truly Risen! Alleluia! Chrystus zmartwychwstał! Prawdziwie zmartwychwstał! Cristo è Risorto! È veramente Risorto!
My dear brothers and sisters, do we think change is inevitable?
As a young man, I was most focused on stability, keeping things the way they were. It wasn’t that everything was perfect the way it was – but at least it was comfortable. I liked that. I liked my surroundings, the security I had, and most of the people.
A psychologist would probably tell you that early loss in my life would lead a young person to crave stability because stability is security, or at least the appearance of security.
Here I am, and you with me, generations later. We have the fifth generation of computers, smartphones, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, great strides in heath science, constant change in the way people live and relate to one another – some for good, others for ill. All those comfortable surroundings and people are gone.
People think the Holy Church is so unchanging, that it takes centuries to even move an inch. Yet that is not true – just look at this resurrection morning. Jesus did not create us to stand still.
The women and the two apostles are taken by surprise. The readings and gospels throughout days and weeks ahead will recount surprise after surprise, change after change. Jesus is about that.
This is a vivid reminder – one we need badly – that the Church, the Body of Christ – is not a stagnant place. Rather, this is the place we encounter the very change Jesus came to bring within and beyond us.
St. Paul reminds the Colossians to think and live differently and to be different. Old definitions are no more. We have died with Christ and we are in Him where everything is different. Jesus changes who we are.
There are no limits on what we can or cannot do. There are no boundaries we cannot cross with Christ within us. His universe spanning life is in us.
Jesus’ resurrected life is intended to open our eyes to the heavenward change we must be. Let us rejoice heartily then and be those gospel living Easter people of unafraid change and full of surprise.