Category: Current Events

Current Events, Media

The ‘Book of Daniel”

From the Associated Press

Two stations won’t air ‘Book of Daniel’

NEW YORK — Two television stations are refusing to broadcast a new NBC series about an Episcopal priest who abuses painkillers, has a gay son, a promiscuous straight son, a daughter who deals marijuana, and a wife who drinks too much.

Conservative Christian groups have condemned the depiction of Jesus as blasphemous, accusing the writers of portraying Christ as tolerant of sin in talks with the priest.

The series stars Aidan Quinn as the Rev. Daniel Webster, who discusses his many troubles in regular chats with a robe-wearing, bearded Jesus. The American Family Association, in Tupelo, Miss., and Focus on the Family, the Colorado Springs group led by James Dobson, are asking supporters to lobby their local NBC affiliate to drop the show.

But the American Family Association said the series was another sign of NBC’s “anti-Christian bigotry.” Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, an anti-defamation group, called the series the “work of an embittered ex-Catholic homosexual.”

The show’s creator and executive producer, Jack Kenny, said he drew on the emotionally guarded family of his male partner for the series. He said his goal was to depict how “humor and grace” help a flawed man struggle with his faith and family. He said the writers never meant to mock religion or Jesus.

However, Bob Waliszewski, of Focus on the Family’s teen ministries, said the show portrayed Christ as a “namby-pamby frat boy who basically winks at every sin and perversity under the sun.”

Just the kind of Jesus it would appear that many in the ECUSA advocate for?  Listen to this:

James Naughton, a spokesman for the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., said a California Episcopal church is advising the series.

Naughton has read scripts for eight episodes and acknowledged that viewers could take away a troubling message about people of faith, instead of a positive one about overcoming temptation. Still, he said it was “a tremendous opportunity for evangelism for Episcopalians.” The Washington Diocese has started a blog to comment on the show and invite discussion.

“To me, this is good for us no matter how it comes out because if people are talking about what Episcopalians are like, it creates tremendous opportunities for us to say, `Here’s what we actually are like,'” Naughton said.

And the answer would be —“ yes. 

I think Mr. Naughton has become trapped in a Machiavellian milieu.  Unfortunately for him the ends do not justify the means.  A good intention cannot sanctify, or make right, an action which is wrong.

Now, I will leave to my readers who are better versed in the Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae to argue whether ‘double effect’ allows bad actions for good causes.  However, in this case the point would be moot.

If I am correct, a bad act is morally allowable only when the following conditions are fulfilled:

  1. The agent is aiming only at the good effect; the evil effect is not one of his ends, nor is it a means to his ends; and
  2. the consequences of the act are good on balance; that is, the goodness of the good effect outweighs the evil of the evil effect.

As I said, act and cause are a good theological discussion, but moot here because I suspect the agent (writers, director, producer) of not seeking to portray the Jesus of the Gospels, but the phony Jesus of man’s basest instincts.  In addition, there is no good consequence to the show (especially in supporting the ECUSA drive to remake historic Christianity into a modernist playground).  Further, the consequences of continually making Jesus into the kind, dead, philosopher only support man’s denial of God.  It destroys the human imperative to repentance and reform.

Current Events, Political

Sharon, Palestine, and the future

Christopher Hitchens has an interesting article at Slate.

While Mr. Hitchens is not one of my favorite people when he rambles on about the non existence of God (last time I saw him on Hardball he was apoplectic), he occasionally, and in a well done way, musters a few good thoughts into a coherent chain.

In general I tend not to care an awful lot about what happens in Israel/Palestine. It’s a way over covered story. In comparison to the Russia that is trying to re-emerge it is far less dangerous to us.

I think the only thing that will eventually straighten up the situation is a solution posed from outside, primarily by the United States. Let’s say internationally redrawn borders with the Israelis to the left and the Palestinans to the right and international enforcement in between.

I think even proposing such a solution would scare both parties into reaching their own settlement.

All parties can now have fun hating me.

Current Events

On the death of 12 miners

Please join in prayer for the repose of the souls of those killed in the mine disaster in West Virginia.

Eternal rest grant onto them O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Lord Jesus, please welcome our brothers into Your eternal kingdom. Each day, as they served the needs of their fellow man, by working deep within the earth, they placed their trust in you. Grant that they may lay down the heavy load they bore at your feet and that they may receive from You just recompense for their labor. Amen.

Current Events, Saints and Martyrs

Pray for the Miners of West Virginia


Lord Jesus, through the intrercession of your saints, Barbara, Kinga, and Clement, we pray that those in peril be brought safely home.  Amen

The following prayer specifically implores the help of St. Barbara:

Saint Barbara, thou noble bride,
To thee my body I confide
As well in life as at life’s end.
Come, aid me when I breathe my last,
That I may, ere here all is past,
Receive the Blessed Sacrament!

The founder of the PNCC, Bishop Francis Hodur worked chiefly among the coal miners of Pennsylvania and shared in their struggle to ensure safety, fair wages, and good working and living conditions.

Current Events

Holy Innocents – the Killing Continues

From the Associated Press – no commentary on my part necessary:

Pakistani Describes Killing of Daughters

The 40-year old laborer, speaking to The Associated Press in police detention as he was being shifted to prison, confessed to just one regret —” that he didn’t murder the stepsister’s alleged lover too.

Ahmed’s killing spree —” witnessed by his wife Rehmat Bibi as she cradled their 3 month-old baby son —” happened Friday night at their home in the cotton-growing village of Gago Mandi in eastern Punjab province.

It is the latest of more than 260 such honor killings documented by the rights commission, mostly from media reports, during the first 11 months of 2005.

Bibi recounted how she was woken by a shriek as Ahmed put his hand to the mouth of his stepdaughter Muqadas and cut her throat with a machete. Bibi looked helplessly on from the corner of the room as he then killed the three girls —” Bano, 8, Sumaira, 7, and Humaira, 4 —” pausing between the slayings to brandish the bloodstained knife at his wife, warning her not to intervene or raise alarm.

Despite Ahmed’s contention that Muqadas had committed adultery —” a claim made by her husband —” the rights commission reported that according to local people, Muqadas had fled her husband because he had abused her and forced her to work in a brick-making factory.

Police have said they do not know the identity or whereabouts of Muqadas’ alleged lover.

Muqadas was Bibi’s daughter by her first marriage to Ahmed’s brother, who died 14 years ago. Ahmed married his brother’s widow, as is customary under Islamic tradition.

“Women are treated as property and those committing crimes against them do not get punished,” said the rights commission’s director, Kamla Hyat. “The steps taken by our government have made no real difference.”

Current Events

News Items

Today’s articles are categorized under the title of generally to completely disturbing:

From the Associated Press:

Bishop: Anglican[s] Will One Day Embrace Gays

LONDON, November 4, 2005, AP — The first openly gay Episcopal bishop said Friday he believed that the wider Anglican Church will eventually embrace homosexuals, but perhaps not in his lifetime.

He met privately Thursday with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, who is struggling to hold the Anglican Communion together despite vehement and apparently irreconcilable differences over whether gays should serve as priests and bishops. Conservatives believe that is contrary to the Bible, and have condemned moves by Anglicans in the United States and Canada to affirm faithful homosexual relationships.

Robinson described the meeting as “cordial,” while Williams’ office said it was “friendly but candid.” Neither side has disclosed the substance of their discussions.

“I believe that the acceptance of gay and lesbian people into the life of the Church is something that is going to happen,” Robinson said in an interview with British Broadcasting Corp. radio.

This is very interesting. Christian tradition (although not sacramental in the Anglican/EC-USA) holds that Episcopal consecration confers the offices of sanctifying, teaching and ruling. A Bishop allegedly has the fullness of these roles in his office.

I wonder if Bishop Robinson understands his teaching role? It would appear that he is quite misguided about the teachings of his own church. His statement above would make you think that as soon as a gay person steps foot in an Anglican or EC-USA Church they are thrown out. Thankfully the Bishop is wrong in his assessment and in ‘his’ teaching. The church does not shun or throw out gays. It accepts them, just like it accepts the rest of us, in our sinfulness. What the Church does not accept is persistence in sinfulness. What the Church expects is repentance.

It would appear to this writer that the Bishop was endowed with the spirit of political advocacy rather than the Holy Spirit at his consecration.

In the same story:

Anglicans disagree on other issues including abortion, stem-cell research and the war in Iraq, he [Bishop Robinson] said.

“So the question is can we still live together and hold on to one another while we resolve this issue?” Robinson said.

Ummm, NO. We can ask repentance from sinfulness but as Saint Paul so aptly put it:

“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?” (2 Cor 6:14-15)

We pray that the gifts of sanctifying, teaching and ruling are soon bestowed on the Bishop. Like the gift of forgiveness, they are waiting out there.

In the deeply disturbing column:

EU Conference Says World is a Cruel Place Because of Catholic Church, November 4, 2005

Finding ways to force countries like Ireland, Portugal and Malta to liberalize their abortion laws was the focus of a meeting of 17 members of the European Parliament and representatives of various NGOs who gathered in Brussels on October 18. At a conference entitled, “Abortion —“ Making it a right for all women in the EU,” attendees heard testimony from abortion advocates from countries with restrictive abortion laws. Held at the European Parliament building, participants strategized about ways to make a right to abortion mandatory for all member states of the European Union. They discussed ways to argue that guaranteeing the right abortion falls under the European Union’s mandate because it is a human rights and public health issue.

Participants were particularly concerned about the role of the Catholic Church in countries with a strong Catholic identity. Maria Elena Valenicano Martinez-Orozco, a member of the European Parliament from Spain, spoke on “How to deal with the Catholic Church and reproductive rights.”

Once the labeling begins the persecution is not far behind. As Christians, we are getting in the way of the ‘I want, I think, I need, I have a right’, generation. Christ’s message is bringing the sword once again. Christian’s, take a look at the Cycle A readings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It’s time to make sure we have enough oil for our lamps.

Current Events

Psalm 37

Put your trust in the Lord and do good,
and your land and habitation will be secure.
Take your delight in the Lord,
and he will give you what your heart desires.

Entrust your journey to the Lord, and hope in him:
and he will act.

Current Events

Hurricane Katrina

Wednesday evening we offered our Novena for the victims of the hurricane, for those killed, and for an end to violence and evil. On Sunday, September 4th, 9am Holy Mass will be offered for the victims and those killed. There will be special prayers during our monthly exposition and benediction of the Most Holy Eucharist. A special collection will be taken up as well.

We pray and ask the Our Lady interceed for all those in need, grant an end to violence, provide for all that is necessary, and comfort those who have lost loved ones. May she wrap her mantle of protection around them and ask her Son our Lord, Jesus Christ, to grant every grace to them and our country.