Category: Mac

Apple, Macs, iPods, assorted coolness that works

Christian Witness, Mac, Media, PNCC, , , , , ,

Internety, bloggy, softwarey stuff

Several readers have written to me and have noted that they enjoy the new blog design. Thank you. The theme is from Theme Sheep. Of course like the sheep reference – we are the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 100:1-3 or Psalm 95:6-9).

Fr. Jason opines on the state of the PNCC on the Internet. St. Stanislaus Cathedral has done a wonderful job on their redesign. It is really beautiful, and offers all the great interactivity necessary for parishioners and seekers. I believe it is based on Joomla, which like WordPress is all about providing content.

As I tell the pastors and parishes I work with, people want to know you. They want to know you as pastor, teacher, community, fellow workers, and companions. The only way to do that is to show who you are, how you know Jesus, and how you teach Him. How do you celebrate Him, and each other as part of Him? It doesn’t take a ton of work, only being who you are and telling your story. Think of the video I posted from Sta. Sunniva Parish in Norway… Who are they? Would you want to be part of that community?

Some cool stuff for your iPad, iPod, iPhone from Twitter friends, DivineOffice and Just 1 Word:

Just 1 Word has a new mobile app for various platforms so that you can read the Bible anytime, anywhere on your mobile device. Various versions of the Bible are available and the apps are suitable for the iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry.

Divine Office’s app provides an audio version of the Liturgy of the Hours, including scripture readings, psalms and prayers for the Hours of each day. The app automatically downloads the day’s audio Liturgy as well as the Liturgy for the days following to your iPhone or iPod Touch over-the-air.

I believe music and chants are also included. I will update as I find out more. Of course, this is the Roman Catholic usage of the Hours. Note to my fellow PNCC members, when I pray the Hours, I make substitutions for any prayers mentioning the Bishop of Rome.

Mac, Perspective,

Apple fan day

It was a great day for Apple fans. As my readers may know, I am a Mac/Apple fan and our household is all Apple (2 Mac minis, 2 iMacs – I have the new 27 inch, Apple TV, 2 iPhones, 6 iPods of various types).

The launch of the new iPad was hotly anticipated. I do see how it fills a niche and yes, I would get one (a version of two down the line).

The build up was a little too huge for my liking though because following such a build-up anything less than an absolute miracle was bound to be disappointing. I followed the Gizmodo live blog of the event (live blogging built on WordPress). I was sorry to see AppleInsider’s live feed go total fail as the event started. The last post I saw was – “We were told to turn off our cellphones.” I suppose the writer turned off his phone and was goodbye after that!?!

Mac, ,

M$oft humor

From PC World: 10 Ways Microsoft’s Retail Stores Will Differ From Apple Stores

Microsoft announced plans to open retail stores, hoping to boost visibility of many of its products and its brand. The move seems to be an effort to mimic the success that Apple has had with its retail stores. The news is just too tempting not to have some fun with. So here are some yet-to-be-officially-revealed details about the Microsoft stores.

1) Instead of Apple’s sheer walls of glass, Microsoft’s stores will have brushed steel walls dotted with holes — reminiscent of Windows security.

2) The store will have six different entrances: Starter, Basic, Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate. While all six doors will lead into the same store, the Ultimate door requires a fee of $100 for no apparent reason.

3) Instead of a “Genius Bar” (as Apple provides) Microsoft will offer an Excuse Bar. It will be staffed by Microsofties trained in the art of evading questions, directing you to complicated and obscure fixes, and explaining it’s a problem with the hardware — not a software bug.

4) The Windows Genuine Advantage team will run storefront security, assuming everybody is a thief until they can prove otherwise.

5) Store hours are undetermined. At any given time the store mysteriously shuts down instantaneously for no apparent reason. (No word yet on what happens to customers inside)…

One person left the following comment on this tongue-in-cheek post:

You have to feel sorry for Apple fanboys that this is how they waste their lives away proving to the entire world how jealous they are of Microsoft. You could have just bought a real PC to begin with and then you would have a life.

apple-logo1As the person in my home responsible for fixing stuff, this is exactly the reason we ditched Microsoft products. I had no life. I was constantly fixing, installing updates, downloading anti-virus and firewall software that slowed the machines to a crawl. Wasted days and wasted nights. I wanted to have a life, a real life, so we switched to Mac — bought three of them. Plugged them in — and they worked, right out of the box, painless. We now have a life. The two left-over boxes? They are running Linux – Ubuntu. Again, no worries. Ahhh, life…