Category: PNCC


On the death of our Bishop Ordinary


Our Bishop Ordinary, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Casimir J. Grotnik passed away today. I ask all of you, my readers and friends, to please pray for the repose of his soul and to pray for his wife and family.

Bishop Grotnik ordained me. He was a wonderful, insightful, and practical man. He was also a great intellectual and writer. I will miss his good humor and his guidance very much. He had a certain way of looking into your eyes and through them to your soul. He saw into you with a certainty founded in faith. He loved his people and his clergy.

As deacon, I was his hands, eyes, and ears in our Parish. We were connected by grace and by filial love and admiration.

The last time I saw him was at the Central Diocese School of Christian Living conference. He was not doing very well. He had a kidney replacement about a year ago. Recently it was found that he had cancer and hew had recurrent boughts of pneumonia. He suffered greatly, but always saw through the suffering to his faith. We have a biography of Bishop Grotnik on our Parish’s website (click here…).

Eternal rest grant onto him O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon him.

Perspective, PNCC,


Hello and welcome. I am a Catholic deacon. I grew up as a Roman Catholic, studied in a R.C. seminary for the priesthood, and eventually reached a point where I found the R.C. church to no longer be relevant or enriching to me. I based this decision on the vast changes in the Church that left it “protestantized” and inconsistent with the apostolic and Orthodox faith I once knew. This path of discovery is my personal faith journey.

I was searching for a church that proclaimed the word of God, was apostolic, had the seven sacraments, valid orders, a focus on the Eucharist – proclaiming the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, had traditional devotional opportunities, and was not intrusive into issues best left between a husband and wife. I found it in the PNCC, the Polish National Catholic Church. If you don’t know too much about the PNCC, I recommend that you check out the PNCC website. The Church has a very interesting history and a very relevant faith, especially for those who do not adhere to the idea of rules and regulations in non-essentials as established by the Roman Catholic Church.

Using this blog I will post my personal thoughts, share homily ideas, and perspectives on the ‘church’ today.

I do not speak on behalf of the PNCC. I do however have a voice in my church. This is something we all share as members of the PNCC. Everyone has a voice and a vote – even in electing candidates for Bishop!

I welcome you and hope you find something meaningful from my posts. If you do, it’s not because of me, but because of the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. I wish you all the best and pray that every blessing be yours.