Perspective, PNCC, , , , ,

Another forum question on the PNCC

As is my oft stated policy, I do not respond in forums.

Catholic Answers has yet another conversation on the PNCC (under non-Catholic religions — which is incorrect — the Orthodox and PNCC are completely Catholic). This conversation focuses on whether the PNCC and various Anglican splinter groups should join forces. The one point no one seems to get is that this is pretty much impossible unless the Anglican splinter groups de-protestantize (un-protestantize, something like that anyway).

The PNCC has had influxes of former Anglicans/Episcopalians (particularly clergy) over the years. In most cases it really hasn’t worked out. Those who came generally wanted their liturgy and traditions with all the Protestant muck attached, including an inability to recognize Church as infallible; weeding out personal judgment. They thought their salvation lay in being themselves, but under a valid Bishop. They were not willing to be PNCC, which is Catholic internally and externally. Of course that was a bad fit when faced with a congregation that is PNCC.

As a convert to the PNCC I know. We all start from our own point of reference, our knowledge and experience. Over time though, you have to be willing to shed some of it and re-frame some of it. If you don’t, if you just want to be who you are, but in a different Church for the sake of convenience, you are doing yourself a spiritual disservice.

The PNCC is not R.C. and is not Anglican. Over time the PNCC has matured into what it is – a Church whose externals look westward while its theology looks eastward. If you want to come, to join, to be Catholic, please do so — you are welcome. It is a joyous place to be once you get past the point of convert cognitive dissonance.