Christian Witness, PNCC, , ,

¡Bienvenidos! – leveraging Facebook among ethnic communities

From friends at the Captura Group: Hispanic online publishers turn to Facebook to engage Hispanics

In my previous post I challenged marketers to engage with Hispanics through social media. Since that time, many marketers have done just that, but what is most interesting to me is how Hispanic online publishers have suddenly planted flags on Facebook.

According to ComScore Media Metrics, Facebook is now the fourth most popular website among Hispanics and growing. Facebook reaches close to 10.55 million Hispanics per month, nearly 45% of all online Hispanics. This massive Hispanic audience coupled with Facebook’s free social media platform represents the best place to build a community of online Hispanics. Instead of building and maintaining social networks of their own, it seems that Hispanic publishers have figured out that it makes more sense to build communities on Facebook.

Facebook is quickly becoming an important referrer of Internet traffic. By building large, engaged communities on Facebook, Hispanic publishers can generate incremental traffic to their websites which in turn will boost revenues…

…or believers and congregants. One of the greatest areas of growth in the PNCC is among Hispanic believers. They, of course, understand the importance of the gifts they have been given as a community: language, traditions, culture, and way of meeting God. They also see that self determination and control over their parish assets in a democratic church supports the needs of the community. ¡Bienvenidos! i Dios te bendiga.