Tag: Quizzes

Everything Else,

To tell the truth

No, I am Matt Mullenweg.

I took the Technosailor self importance test and the following was the result:

You are most like Matt Mullenweg!

You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.

For those who don’t know, Matt Mullenweg is the founding developer of WordPress. Cool…

Also, I loved To Tell the Truth. Watched it with the family every evening.

An interesting aside, Kitty Carlisle Hart, who featured prominently on To Tell the Truth was a great patron of the arts right here in Albany and served on the New York State Council of the Arts. The Kitty Carlisle Hart Theatre at the Egg is named after her (a very nice venue).

Everything Else,

Three axis political quiz

Fr. Jim Tucker of Dappled Things points to a three line political quiz.

I took the quiz and found that I am a “capitalist-leaning libertarian” which is composed of (as defined at the quiz site):

Libertarian – Many people in the US Libertarian Party are minor heretics or simply adhere to certain social controls while remaining otherwise nearly anarchical. These people, in addition to a number of especially independent Democrats and Republicans, fit into the libertarian category. They do not seek the philosophical uber-consistency of the anarchists, but they propose most or nearly all of the same ideas and policies. Someone in the ACLU or the Republican Liberty Caucus would likely fall here.


Capitalist-Leaning – Many Republicans and some Democrats fall here, and support balanced budgets, tax reform, free trade agreements, estate tax repeal, and spend more time talking about the problems of small business than raising the minimum wage. They like to push middle class tax cuts and associate economic success with production, wealth, and especially with high rates of consumerism and ownership.

I think it kind of fits my blue-collar ethnic upbringing.

Everything Else

Which Father are you?

Most certainly why I seem to mesh well with the teaching of the PNCC.


You’re Origen!

You do nothing by half-measures. If you’re going to read the Bible, you want to read it in the original languages. If you’re going to teach, you’re going to reach as many souls as possible, through a proliferation of lectures and books. If you’re a guy and you’re going to fight for purity … well, you’d better hide the kitchen shears.

Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers!

Everything Else, ,

I’m a Melancholic

Several of the blogs I read had pointers to Fish eaters quiz on the Four Temperaments (Medieval self analysis).

I took the quiz and it turns out that I am Melancholic. My personality is said to consist of being:

  • Sensitive
  • Intuitive
  • Self-conscious
  • Easily embarrassed
  • Easily hurt
  • Introspective
  • Sentimental
  • Moody
  • Likes to be alone
  • Empathetic
  • Often artistic
  • Often fussy and perfectionist
  • Deep
  • Prone to depression, avarice, and gluttony

It appears that I am in the best of company:

Famous Melancholics include St. John of the Cross, St. John the Divine, St. Francis, and St. Catherine of Siena.

…and that my ‘if I had my druthers’ way of life might include a career as a contemplative religious, theologian, artist, or writer.

I would say that they pegged me pretty well.

Check out the temperament test if you care to see where you fall.