Tag: Yahoo!

Everything Else, , ,

Changed servers

About a week or so ago I decided to finally drop Yahoo! as my hosting company.

There were a few instances where I had to patch WordPress to make it work on Yahoo!. In addition I was getting more and more displeased with the responsiveness of their servers.

It was taking forever to load my site. Because of the slow load times I was loosing readers like crazy. My average visitors per day was cut in half.

As of December 19 I’ve been hosted on DreamHost.

After the normal cutover issues, like switching my DNS, things have been going well. Dreamhost did make the switch easy. They had easy one-click installs for things like WordPress, they use phpMyAdmin, and they have all sorts of other one-click installs for other wonderful options.

Best of all, their price is better and their server settings do not disable native WordPress stuff.

The Dreamhost servers have been running fast and my stats are picking back up (thank you to my dedicated readers).

That was until today. Dreamhost experienced a prolonged blackout on a set of servers, mine included.

I apologize if you were unable to get to my website earlier today. All seems to be resolved now.

Everything Else, , , , ,

WordPress update

I updated to WordPress 2.3. It went pretty well, with one exception.

My host, Yahoo!, does not allow .htaccess files. It developed a plug-in to provide for pretty permalinks. Without using their plug-in WordPress’ permalinks options (besides default) do not work. The problem is described in the WordPress help forums.

For the time being I have disabled my pretty permalinks.

We will see if Yahoo fixes this in short order – but I have my doubts. Many of their promises about automatically updating WordPress were never kept…

I will also play with their plug-in, and see if I can fix it.

Sorry for any problems related to my permalinks. If I cannot resolve this I will be seeking another host. Things should not be this difficult, with workarounds and plug-ins to handle things most folks just handle.


Mark Jaquith of Mark on WordPress discusses WordPress 2.3 Canonical URLs and the problems they may cause.

He has a one line plug-in that disables canonical URL redirection.

I installed the plug-in and reactivated the Yahoo! plug-in. Everything works now. I will use this until Yahoo corrects its issues – or until I move to a different provider.