There’s a lot we can learn from the Reformed Churches

From Abp Gołębiewski: wiele możemy się nauczyć od Kościołów reformowanych (Archbishop Gołębiewski: There is much to be learned from the Reformed Churches).

Od protestantów możemy się nauczyć większego szacunku dla Słowa Bożego —“ powiedział metropolita wrocławski (We have the opportunity to learn great regard for the Word of God from the Protestant Churches says the Metropolitan of Wrocław)

Unfortunately, the article is only available in the Polish language. The translations provided above are mine. More on Archbishop Gołębiewski

As I’ve noted in previous posts, the Roman Church held a Synod on the Word of God this past October. Let’s pray that the Roman Church follows the PNCC in elevating the hearing of and teaching on the Word of God to sacramental status.