Tag: freedom

Perspective, Political, , , , ,

All for fear

From TPMCafe: Huntington revisited

After Professor Samuel Huntington passed away on December 24, I held off commenting on his work during the first 30 days of mourning out of respect for the norms that govern such a period. I believe we are now ready for a balanced review of his work.

The theme that runs throughout Huntington’s various works is best characterized as a theory of fear. His books typically identify a mounting threat, such as Mexican immigrants, Islamic civilization, or democratic proclivities, and then point to the need for strong national-unity building measures and mobilization of the people (including militarization) in response to the barbarians at the gates. Sometimes, the argument is formulated in basically analytical terms: If the required vigorous responses to the particular challenge at hand are not forthcoming, various calamities will ensue (e.g., the U.S. will lose a large part of its territory to Mexico and its Anglo-Protestant identity will be undermined) that will implicitly call for stronger countermeasures. In other cases, advocacy for powerful antidotes is quite explicit. As Huntington puts it in the Foreword to Who Are We?, he is writing as a patriot and a scholar, in that order.

Taken on its own, the threat-response thesis is unproblematic, a correlation the validity of which even people without social training can readily discern, and one that has often been repeated in the annals of social analysis. When the Nazis were about to overrun Britain, the country suspended habeas corpus. And few, even among the strongest supporters of Israel, would deny that while continuous threats from armed neighbors and terrorists and the responses to these threats have helped keep the segments of Israeli society together, they have also involved a measure of militarization and have imposed limits on civil rights.

The key issue then is to determine whether a nation truly faces particular threats or whether such concerns are largely drummed up, if not totally manufactured–say, in order to keep a nation under the control of one powerful elite or another and to make its citizens accept various governmental measures that they otherwise would not tolerate. These measures might include the curtailment of rights, economic belt-tightening, and discrimination against foreigners, among others. It is a familiar issue, seen for example in the debates over whether or not Saddam actually possessed nuclear weapons that could pose an imminent threat to the United States. Even more recently, it has been witnessed in the argument over whether or not Social Security is indeed in “crisis.” We must ask: If the various threats are real, what is their magnitude? And if the dangers are vastly exaggerated, what purposes are served by such a politics of fear…

A good read, putting our country’s trends in perspective. The only point I would make is that Huntington just represented one side of the fear mongering elitist class. It really isn’t left/right, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican. The sins are the same, the power grab in a different dress; with all the dresses from the same nation over individual dressmaker. Sadly, our rights diminish, our freedoms like sands through the fingers of a fear filled child.

PNCC, Poetry, Poland - Polish - Polonia, Saints and Martyrs, , , , ,

Ś+P świetny organizator, patrioty, i naszym pierwszego biskupa Franciszek Hodur

Bishop Franczisek Hodur as a young priest

  • Born: April 1, 1866, in the village of Żarki, six miles from Kraków, Poland. Studies at St. Anne’s Gimnazjum (Kraków, Poland), the Jagełłionian University (Kraków, Poland), and St. Vincent’s Archabbey (Latrobe, Pennsylvania)
  • Ordained to the Holy Priesthood: August 19, 1893, in St. Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton, Pennsylvania by Bishop William O’Hara.
  • Called by the People: To take charge of Saint Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Parish, March 14, 1897.
  • Blessed and Dedicated the first Polish National Catholic Parish: July 4, 1897.
  • Elected Bishop of the Polish National Catholic Church: September 6, 1904 at the First Holy Synod of the Polish National Catholic Church
  • Consecrated to the Episcopacy: September 29, 1907 at Utrecht, Holland by Archbishop Gerard Gull with co-consecrators Bishop John Van Thiel and Bishop Peter Spit of the Old Catholic Church of Holland.
  • Organized the Polish National Union: February 24, 1908.
  • Established Spójnia Fram and the Home for the Aged: July 4, 1929.
  • Called to his Final Reward: February 16, 1953 in the rectory of St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Cathedral. Scranton, Pennsylvania.
  • Funeral and Burial: Saturday, February 21, 1953 from St. Stanislaus Cathedral. He was laid to rest in the Grotto of Christ the Benign. His remains were later exhumed and re-interred in the Monument of Gratitude in St. Stanislaus Cathedral Cemetery, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

In prayerful remembrance on the 56th Anniversary of the death of our organizor and first bishop, Franciszek Hodur.


Through the years unto Thee, O Lord,
Faithful service we have rendered,
At the break of dawn marched sunward,
At the chains of bondage straining,
At the chains of bondage straining.

Unto Thee we built a temple,
Which for us became a treasure,
Pouring gifts of faith and courage,
In it is our hope forever,
In it is our hope forever.

Christ Himself speaks from its altars,
As He spoke throughout the ages,
To the poor among His people,
When their blinded eyes He opened.
When their blinded eyes He opened.

Now again He comes from heaven,
Midst the lab’ring, toiling people,
In the form of Bread and God’s Word,
To His humble, needful people.
To His humble, needful people.

When in doubt by Him we are strengthened,
From degrading sin He lifts us,
Animates us and enobles,
From a dormant slumber wakes us.
From a dormant slumber wakes us.

He pours new life into our souls,
Fires our hearts with passion sacred,
In contrition He refines us,
As a sword of steel we’re tempered.
As a sword of steel we’re tempered.

Through the storms of life He guides us,
`Midst the thunder and the tempest,
Christ is ever there before us,
But are we, Lord, always faithful?
But are we, Lord, always faithful?

Would to God we be faithful ever,
Would to God this sacred banner
In our souls and hearts be opened,
Until death our life does sever,
Until death our life does sever.

The Hymn of the Polish National Catholic Church as composed by Bishop Hodur.

Tyle lat my, Ci, o Panie,
służbę wiernie wypełniali,
szli ku słońcu w świt zaranie,
łańcuch niewoli targali.

Dla Ciebiem wznieśli świątynię,
co nam skarbnicą się stała,
z niej moc i wiara nam płynie,
w niej nadzieja, przyszłość cała.

Chrystus mówi z jej ołtarzy,
jak ongi mówił przed wieki,
do żydowskich szedł nędzarzy,
otwierać ślepym powieki.

I dziś znowu schodzi z nieba,
między ludzi pracy, trudu;
w Słowie Bożym, w kształcie chleba,
do nas biednych, swego ludu.

W zwątpień chwili nas umacnia,
dźwiga z grzechów poniżenia,
i ożywia i uznacnia,
budzi z martwoty, uśpienia.

Nowe życie wlewa w duszę,
serce ogniem świętym pali,
przetapia w żalu i skrusze,
jak miecz hartowny ze stali.

Pośród burzy życia wiedzie,
wśród piorunów, huraganu,
zawsze Chrystus jest na przedzie,
a my, wierni zawsze Panu!

O bodajem wierni byli,
o bodaj ten sztandar święty,
aż do zgonu naszej chwili,
w duszy, w sercu był rozpięty.

Christian Witness, Current Events, PNCC, ,

Honoring Dr. King in Stratford, Connecticut

From the Stratford Star: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to be honored Sunday

The annual Stratford Community Interfaith Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration will take place Sunday, Jan. 18, at 4 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Bridgeport, 96 Chapel St. in the Putney section of Stratford.

This service is organized by clergy serving congregations in Stratford in an effort to create a service that is respectful to people of all religions. This year’s preacher will be Bishop Anthony Kopka of St. Joseph’s National Catholic Church.

There will be music from two church choirs and a combined choir. All who would like to sing in the combined choir are asked to arrive at the church at 3 p.m. that day for rehearsal.

Each year at this service a collection is taken to support scholarships in King’s name which benefit students at Stratford’s high schools.

Questions can be directed to the host pastor and president of the Stratford Clergy Association, the Rev. Julie-Ann Silberman-Bunn, at 378-1020.

Christian Witness, Perspective,

The Christianity that scares

lion-and-mouse…people, and many, many Christians. From Huw Raphael: More like this…

One of our issues, drawing on Huw’s citation of a quote on the vast differences between God and humanity, is that we think of ourselves as the mouse in the fable of the Lion and the Mouse. We think that we can somehow return the King’s favor, that the King just might need us, not for His reasons, but to save Him. Our overwrought sense of confidence leads us down paths we shouldn’t tread. We stop relying on Him and His word, and rely on what we devise — because God needs us to make things right. In our imperfection we go to instinct — our natural instinct being the creation of barriers.

I recently read Fr. Ray Blake’s Pelagianism: I hate it. In it he states:

Pelagianism denies the action of Grace in the world, man is saved by his own goodness and efforts, rather than by God.

It is what we do, rather than what God does that matters, therefore the value of the sacraments is the psychological effect they have in our lives, rather than the direct intervention of God. It denies the power of Grace…: Pelagians above all would deny the role of the Holy Spirit, of His act of sanctification. Wherever there is attempt to place man at the heart of the faith, there we should expect to find Pelagianism.

Pelagianism expects Man to be strong rather God’s grace to be powerful. Catholicism, or as we could call it, mainstream Christianity, acknowledges mankind is weak and wholly dependant on those things God gives him…

Yep, and me too. Pelagianism means we are the deciders. When I look at my Church, the PNCC, I see the Church that believes in the overwhelming power of God, given through the gift of sanctifying grace. Believing that we must say: ‘To whom shall the power of the sacraments be denied?’

When we receive the gifts of God, through the sacraments, we face God’s power to change even the hardest of hearts. Grace moves in and reorients us. When a Church believes that; the barriers are broken down. Whatever our positions may be, our stands, we are whittled down and we are drawn closer to the people we should be. God makes change happen. That change is for everyone. In Him we are made more human, more genuine, and the headstrong, Pelagian mouse in us dies. We learn our need, for God, and for each other. We learn, as Huw says, that Christ takes us beyond [division].

Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20).

Christian Witness, Current Events, Media, Perspective, Political

My rights are greater than your rights…

From ChristianNewsWire: In God We Trust’ to Oppose Attempt to Place Atheist Sign in Washington D.C.

The national advocacy group In God We Trust today pledged to fight any attempt to place a controversial atheist sign in Washington, D.C. The sign attacks religion and that is now on display in Olympia, Washington, Madison, Wisconsin and Springfield, Illinois.

The signs from the Freedom from Religion Foundation reads:

At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail.
There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell.
There is only our natural world.
Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.

“In God We Trust will oppose any effort to place these signs in any state capital or in any government location in Washington, D.C.,” promises Bishop Council Nedd, the organization’s chairman. “These signs have nothing in common with a menorah, a nativity scene or a Christmas tree. They are an attempt by anti-religious bigots to equate a belief in God with enslavement and to ridicule the majority of Americans who believe in God.”

“Why do these zealots have the right to post signs on public property attacking their countrymen?” Nedd asks…

Besides the errors in logic in this group’s argument, there is the issue of hypocrisy. Weren’t these the same folks who advocated, all but a few short months ago, regarding pastors’ rights to direct voting from the pulpit, to say whatever they please from the pulpit without government constraint? Groups like this one advocate free speech when it suits their purpose but are quick to quash others rights. Bishop Council Nedd asks, “Why do these zealots have a right…?” For exactly the same reasons you claim to have a right.

Now, do I agree with the “Freedom from Religion” folks? Not at all! At the same time I fully support their right to say whatever they wish, on equal footing with other groups. The Young Fogey often points to the difference between living in a secular state versus a secularist state as in this post. The government is doing as it should – it is treating all groups as equitably as possible. The ‘Freedom from Religion’ folks are secularist, and they have every right to that message.

I am confident enough in my faith and in our Lord and Savior so as to know that His message will prevail. I do not need the government nor ‘In God We Trust’ to defend me, or the message of the Gospel. I do not need to classify rights based on faith because my rights come from my faith. Faith is Christian witness. The victories of the world are fleeting. We await heavenly victory.

Current Events, Perspective, Political,

We are them

Rod Watson, a columnist for the Buffalo News gets it. From his column: Never happen here? Guess what — it has

As one of its many shifting rationales for starting a war, the Bush administration constantly reminded Americans about the freedoms we take for granted.

That argument will be much less compelling next time for one simple reason: We won’t have nearly as many freedoms left once this bunch leaves office.

The outrageous new policy of seizing electronic devices at the Peace Bridge and other crossings purely on the whim of a border agent is just the latest example of our government doing to us what we’d fight to the death to prevent a foreign power from doing.

Think about it: No warrant. No probable cause. No judge.

Just a vague suspicion —” real or fabricated —” is pretext enough to seize your laptop, cell phone or iPod and all of the personal or business-related information in it. A local entrepreneur’s trade secrets, a journalist’s confidential information from a whistle-blower, your private medical records —” all fair game for any snooping government agent.

No appeal. No ability to challenge it. And no idea when, or if, you’ll ever get it back.

If you walked into a room in the midst of a discussion of this abuse, the reaction would be, —Wow, I’m sure glad I live in America, where nothing like that could happen.— It’s the kind of story that, when it occurs in other countries, prompts U.S. leaders to wag their fingers.

In the last few years, slowly, silently, we’ve become those other countries.

While there have been protests as the administration’s oil buddies rob consumers to rake in record profits, we’ve been robbed of something much more precious with hardly a whimper…

Read the rest. It’s worth time in reflection because look at the next step. From today’s Washington Post: U.S. May Ease Police Spy Rules. More Federal Intelligence Changes Planned

The Justice Department has proposed a new domestic spying measure that would make it easier for state and local police to collect intelligence about Americans, share the sensitive data with federal agencies and retain it for at least 10 years.

The proposed changes would revise the federal government’s rules for police intelligence-gathering for the first time since 1993 and would apply to any of the nation’s 18,000 state and local police agencies that receive roughly $1.6 billion each year in federal grants.

Quietly unveiled late last month, the proposal is part of a flurry of domestic intelligence changes issued and planned by the Bush administration in its waning months. They include a recent executive order that guides the reorganization of federal spy agencies and a pending Justice Department overhaul of FBI procedures for gathering intelligence and investigating terrorism cases within U.S. borders.

Taken together, critics in Congress and elsewhere say, the moves are intended to lock in policies for Bush’s successor and to enshrine controversial post-Sept. 11 approaches that some say have fed the greatest expansion of executive authority since the Watergate era…

Funny they should mention Watergate. Of course that’s scarry to a lot of folks because it stood their trust of government on its head. At the time of Watergate Congress and the Press stood against an abusive Executive. They stood to defend core principals. That doesn’t happen so much anymore. In fact, it is non-existent. This is far scarier and, in comparison, Watergate was limited to a proverbial “Keystone Kop” affair through checks-and-balances.

These measures are not just an abuse of “Executive” authority, but a steady movement toward the authority of dictators. It is simply a license to do whatever the person in charge pleases without accountability.

Perspective, Political,

Information access overload

From the how much is too much category, the “conservative” Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (see their Wikipedia entry) under the guise of the “Empire Center For New York State PolicyAs the Young Fogey might say – not really conservative at all and just as interventionist as their “liberal” equals. These people are almost wholly interventionists of the neo-con G.W. Bush advising variety which makes things even worse” has published SeeThroughNY.

You can go there and faithfully study every public employee’s pay. You can search by name or by agency. This is a trend among people posing as open government/good government types. Ohio went so far as to publish every public employee’s pay and home address until they were stopped.

You probably should avoid the site for awhile since their servers are getting bombarded. When I checked their site earlier today I found that their web programmers left a few of the pages, including the one for searching public payrolls, completely unsecured. Anyone could have deleted large chunks of the site through a simple to use interface at the top of the page. It is one of those really stupid things people do when they are in a hurry.

Of course most of the State’s citizenry could care less. They’re worried about larger more personal matters. This stuff generally appeals to government workers (especially those with a grudge against the boss), political hacks, folks with a ax to grind, and those wanting to track down people who have seized their assets because of tax evasion, who have arrested them, who have audited them, or who have evaded them only by obtaining a restraining order (the ex-spouses and stalkers).

Now, all this information is public and a state’s citizens have a right to that information. Prior to publishing this site any citizen could get the very same data by making a FOIL request. For those with bad intent that at least left a paper trail and was self policing. Now those folks can do it from the comfort of their home computer.

By the way, the Manhattan Institute (see the People for the American Way report on these folks) publishes the salaries of their highest paid employees and directors via their IRS filings. Here’s a copy of their 2006 Form 990. You will note that their Chairman, Lawrence J. Mone pulled down a little over $400,000 in salary and deferred compensation in 2006. Since 1998 he’s received approximately $200,000 per year! Of course they don’t publish their entire payroll. I wonder what their lowest paid secretary, receptionist, or bathroom cleaner makes?

Perspective, Poland - Polish - Polonia, Political,

A candid look at Poles attitudes toward the United States

From the article Bye-Bye, America! as published in Transitions Online, originally from Polityka:

Not so long ago, Poland was said to be America’s Trojan horse in Europe and its 51st state. Indeed, America was our shield and our unattainable ideal. Did we suddenly stop liking it? Did the American dream recede in the minds of the Poles?

Studies of the Polish public’s favorable attitudes toward foreign countries show that America has lost 20 percentage points over the last four years. It is not fully clear when this happened, but let us recall two warning bells. In October 2006, [Foreign Minister] Radoslaw Sikorski, who was then defense minister in the Law and Justice [PiS] cabinet, wrote two surprising comments on a confidential memo about a U.S. diplomat’s visit to the prime minister’s chancellery. One —“ “we can do without it” —“ referred to a proposal related to the missile defense shield. The other —“ “traditionally cheeky” —“ referred to a person who represented Washington. These notes, even if they were made in self-defense as an alibi for the opinion of “the biggest American” in our [ruling] establishment, signaled that Warsaw’s love of Washington was no longer passionate.

Shortly after that, during an international seminar in Warsaw, Sikorski made the audience realize the shocking proportion between U.S. assistance and European support for Poland: $30 million from the United States and 90 billion (not million) euros (not dollars) from the EU. This comparison may have been stretched a little because it does not refer to the same things, but it does put the previous irritating question of whether Poland is more attached to America or to Europe in a different light. (Do you remember it? It was said to be as problematic as the question of who we love more, mom or dad.)

…Today, Prime Minister Donald Tusk is better at sensing the Polish likes. His compatriots understood and supported him when he announced on 4 July (which was not very clever, since this was a U.S. national holiday) that the missile defense shield served only the purpose of U.S. security and, in a word, hinted that the Bush administration had not cared about Poland’s security in the talks so far.

There is widespread conviction that we make bad deals out of business with the United States. Tusk reiterated that the Poles had so far never said “no” to their most important ally, but America had to try harder to win the Poles’ favor. And this assessment overlaps with a new street wisdom. Apparently, the Poles think that the Americans, who are indeed “traditionally cheeky,” took what they wanted from us, sold what they had, and gave us nothing in exchange…

Absolutely true. For all the promises to Poland none of its aspirations have have come to fruition. For all of Poland’s assistance in pursing the United States cause in Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps even in housing black sites, the only thanks has been an over-the-shoulder nod, ‘Nice going kid, now get lost.’ Case in point – U.S. aid to Poland is far less than U.S. aid to Turkey and dozens of other less than helpful countries.

In addition, the Iraqi intervention and the manner of managing Iraq have undermined the Poles’ unwavering belief that America —“ the world’s most powerful country, supported by the wisdom of the world’s best universities and renowned government analytical centers —“ plans all its steps perfectly and knows what it is doing. Meanwhile, it is visible to the naked eye that it was instead France and the West’s Arab allies that were right when they insisted, although to no avail, on pushing and isolating Saddam Hussein, but without opening up the Iraqi Pandora’s box.

[In] an important survey carried out by CBOS [publicly-funded opinion research center] in March 2007 [t]he Poles were asked which among the most powerful international organizations and countries had in their opinion a “mainly positive” or a “mainly negative” influence over changes in the world. The findings revealed a revolution that had taken place in the public’s opinions. In the case of the EU, 70 percent pointed to a positive influence and 3 percent to a negative impact. For the United States, only 38 percent replied in the positive, with as much as 24 percent of answers on the negative side. To put this into perspective, 10 percent pointed to a positive influence on the part of Russia, 49 percent to a negative one. When these results are compared with the findings of surveys taken in 2006, they show what can even be called a breakdown in favorable opinions about America, because in the preceding year the United States was 24 percentage points higher in terms of positive influence.

Dr. Elzbieta Skotnicka-Illasiewicz from the Polish Academy of Sciences has been studying the Poles’ attitudes towards European integration on a regular basis for 17 years… She points out the reasons for a decline in favorable attitudes toward America. These are not the only reasons, but they are important from the perspective of commonly held opinions. Almost all countries lifted visa requirements imposed on the Poles. However, the Americans did not. In this way, they showed lack of interest and sympathy. To put it simply, this can be summarized in a complaint that is repeatedly made in Poland: they could accept the support of Polish soldiers in Iraq, but they could not accept the same soldier as a tourist or even as a candidate for illegal work. Moreover, the very stories about visa procedures, about standing in lines, paying in advance regardless of the result of efforts, and questioning applicants in an aggressive manner reinforced the unfavorable image of the United States. …

Beyond the Iraq debacle, and Poles illusory love for Amerika, these are the sorts of bread and butter issues felt by the “man on the street.” In a way it is reminiscent of the communist era: ‘I work hard, and do what you ask, and I am treated worse?’

Likewise, the 9-million-strong Polish community in the United States, an important part of the American myth in Poland, has also shrunk or dwindled somehow. Wealthier Poles suddenly noticed that the Polish community in the United States is composed not of hordes of American millionaires, but —“ with all due respect —“ of descendants of the plebeian masses from Podhale and Podlasie, who failed to pursue the kinds of financial or political careers that the descendants of the Irish, Italian, German, or Jewish diasporas did. Apart from this, what power do they have?

If the Polish government had any influence with the Poles in the United States and their votes in America and if these votes formed a package, then everything really could be agreed with Washington.

But these are just pipe dreams. The old Polish community in the United States suddenly paled in comparison not with the old Polish independence-minded soldiers in London or the Parisian “culture,” but with the masses of young people who set off for England.

We suddenly saw that these are different worlds. The Poles in the United States voted for the PiS under the Kaczynski brothers, while those in Britain stood in lines to cast their votes in favor of Civic Platform. In Chicago, orchestras composed of the inhabitants of the Polish mountains played for we know who. Guided by his instinct, [Civic Platform leader] Donald Tusk promised tax breaks to emigrants at a rally in London, encouraging them to come back to Poland.

In other words what remains of American Polonia is disconnected from day-to-day life in Poland and Poland’s leadership has caught onto that. Most of what remains of activist Polonia is comprised of the Solidarity diaspora. The remainder is three or more generations removed from their Polonian ancestors. As the Young Fogey frequently points out, these ethnics (and by instance mostly Catholics) rarely if ever vote as a block. The last person ever widely supported by Polonia, as a block, was Edmund Muskie.

A relative decline in America’s significance is not merely a game of what are, after all, changing moods, but an obvious outcome of Poland’s historic accession to the EU. Europe is closer, and there are no borders. According to a recent poll, asked about their willingness and ability to take on work abroad, 48 percent of the Poles responded that they would go to Germany while —“ pay attention —“ 6.2 percent indicated the United States. Today, the inhabitants of the Polish mountains more frequently go to Israel as construction workers than to the United States, while Lomza and Mlawa have Brussels addresses.

Any data you care to name show that America is not competitive for the Poles in comparison with Europe. The map of the Poles’ (tourist) visits abroad in 2007 is as follows: Germany, 1.55 million people; Great Britain, 850,000; France and Slovakia, 450,000 each; the Netherlands, 400,000; Italy and Austria, 300,000 each, while fewer than 100,000 visited the United States. In 2007, remittances from Poles earning money abroad were as follows (according to National Bank of Poland estimates): Great Britain and Ireland, 4 billion zlotys [$2 billion] each; Germany, 1.5 billion and the United States, 450 million. Transfers from the United States, which accounted for as much as 13 percent of all financial transfers to Poland in 2004, fell to 4 percent last year. Among the students who went on scholarships abroad (for a period of no longer than one year) and somehow made it into the official statistics, 1,590 went to Europe and 61 to the United States. According to data from 2006, the Americans invested relatively little in Poland. The top spot was occupied by Luxembourg with 3.6 billion euros (probably pure capital), followed by Germany with 2.7 billion euros. Italy and the Netherlands ranked third at about 1.3 billion euros each. For the United States, the amount was 407 million euros…

Immigration is an economic engine. Attracting talent and labor are just as important as importing raw materials. The United States misses the mark here and Europe gains for our loss. Interestingly Poland is one of Europe’s economic engines while the U.S. engine is running out of gas.

Unfortunately, this [—divergence protocol—] has been extended considerably under the Bush administration: the Europeans are more critical about the president himself than about the United States, with the war in Iraq and the president considered the main reasons behind the worsening relations between the United States and Europe. Surveys demonstrate that if the Europeans had the right to vote in the upcoming U.S. elections, they would vote for Barack Obama. In any case, they expect better relations with the United States after Bush leaves office.

These divergence protocols have long demonstrated that the two sides of the Atlantic are inhabited by somewhat different races. “The Americans are more from Mars, the Europeans from Venus.” The Americans rely more on military power, the Europeans on democracy. They believe in individualism and liberal competition; we are more likely to talk about the quality of life and the need for social solidarity. In essence, the threats are the same, but the Americans are more afraid than the Europeans of excessive reliance on foreign energy resources, a serious economic crisis, and international terrorism, a situation in which Iran obtains nuclear weapons, and immigrants from Europe. The only thing that the Europeans fear more than the Americans do is the effects of global warming. With their opinions, the Poles are now closer to Western Europe than they were before. In this sense, we have joined the mainstream.

For a long time, America has been reopening wounds in relations with foreigners, sometimes complaining loudly that “they love us” or “they hate us.” Unfortunately, this country is not in the habit of making special efforts to win allies (especially under Bush’s tenure as president). If it reckons with anyone, this must be someone big. The Americans themselves know that they have wasted a large portion of the sympathy they have enjoyed since the 9/11 attacks, when Le Monde expressed the European mood by saying, “We are all Americans.”

Absolutely right. A wasted seven years, wasted good will, wasted relationships, wasted opportunities, and a wasting away of the U.S. social contract which was a key point of admiration especially in Poland. Sure we can delude ourselves in proclamations of self-love but eventually I hope we wake up and do our level best to reclaim what we were not too many years ago — in our own eyes and the eyes of the world.

Christian Witness, Current Events, Perspective, Political,

Ah, to live in a free country…

From the BBC: Academic sentenced over Ataturk

A Turkish court has handed down a 15-month suspended jail term to an academic found guilty of insulting the state’s founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Professor Atilla Yayla said the trial highlighted the limits on free speech and academic debate in Turkey.

His crime was to suggest in academic discussion that the early Turkish republic was not as progressive as portrayed in official books…

I suppose the same could happen in the U.S. as we slide merrily along in our adulation of cultic figures. Insult President Bush, his administration, Brittany Spears, Israel, the war on terror ™ any other “sacred” visage you may well find yourself before the courts. But of course faith is an open target – especially Jesus.

Just the way things should be in truth.

Unless faith stands counter to the world it is prone to act in subservience to itI would cite acquiescence to government mandates on reproductive “health” services by Catholic hospitals or caving to other government mandates by Catholic Charities agencies as a symptoms of such a problem. What amazes me is the annual ritual in my state capital involving Catholic Bishops who demand government money for Catholic schools. And you want the government telling you what to teach … why?. We may well be hated by the world – and if we are we are probably close to spot-on. That’s what witness brings. It is something faithful Christians are called to do in ways big and small.

Government is not the friend or protector of religion, especially the radical witness of faith in Jesus Christ. Those who think it is are sadly mistaken. While we are blessed by freedom in the United States – or at a minimum a faí§ade of freedom, that does not mean that we can be lazy in our faith. Freedom is not a license to relax in our witness. It is an opportunity to speak the truth. Let’s use that freedom wisely. Let’s use our freedom like the wise servants used their talents.

`Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.’ — Matthew 25:21 (RSV)