Tag: Kulon

Art, Christian Witness, PNCC, , , ,

Art and Prayer for September 11th

World Trade Center III, Franciszek C. Kulon

Almighty God, by Whom our fathers won their liberties of old; grant that we and all people of this land may be strong to maintain our freedom against the assaults of those who by aggression seek to enslave us to their will. Guide, we beseech Thee, our President and all to whom has been committed the government of this nation, giving them special gifts of wisdom and understanding, that in defense of our liberties they may be instruments of lasting peace for all mankind. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. — A Prayer for the Nation from A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church.

Art, Events, Poland - Polish - Polonia, Political, Xpost to PGF, , ,

Franciszek Kulon Exhibition

An exhibit of works by Franciszek Kulon at the Grand Prospect Hall opens Saturday, May 14th at 7pm. The exhibition will continue through May 19th, daily from 10am to 5pm. Grand Prospect Hall is located at 263 Prospect Ave., Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY.

Franciszek C. Kulon is a passionate, forceful painter, Kulon is influencing art through his striking ability to capture emotionalism on canvas. His artwork uniquely captures the spirit and soul of the subject painted. While often controversial, his work ranges in style from “modern realism with surreal elements,” to impressionism, to abstract.

Kulon was born in Sanok, Poland, and developed his skills in the traditional manner, studying with masters such as Bronislaw Naczas, Edward Kiferling, Marian Kruczek, and Michal Bylina. Today, Kulon lives in the Catskills, not far from New York City, and paints subject matter that moves his sensitive nature. This can result in sublimely executed portraits and landscapes. However, his art often deals with the poverty, cruelty and pathos of human existence which, according to Kulon, has been degraded through social forces beyond individual human control. His paintings have become part of museum, gallery, and private collections in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

Art, Poland - Polish - Polonia, Political,

Art for February 5th

The Civic Platform, Franciszek C. Kulon, 2011

From Wikipedia: The Civic Platform (Polish: Platforma Obywatelska, PO) is a liberal conservative political party in Poland. It has formed Poland’s government since the 2007 general election, and is the largest party in the Sejm, the lower chamber of the Polish parliament. Civic Platform is a member of the European People’s Party (EPP).

The Civic Platform combines liberal conservative stances on the economy with conservative stances on social and ethical issues, including opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage, soft drug decriminalisation, civil unions, euthanasia, fetal stem cell research, and partially to wide availability of in vitro fertilisation. The party also wants to criminalize gambling.

Core proposals in the party program in the past included privatization of the remaining public sectors of Polish economy, direct elections of mayors and regional governors, the first-past-the-post electoral system instead of proportional representation, labor law reform, independence over monetary policy by the National Bank of Poland, a 15% flat tax, and the decentralization of the state.